SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Concept Review 4: Simplifying the Sentence

  1. Why is it important to pay attention to tone?

  2. What does paraphrasemean?

Place a +(positive),−(negative), or =(neutral) next to each word based on its tone.

  1. lurid 6. innocuous 9. rejuvenate

  2. purchase 7. pretentious 10. modify

  3. euphoria 8. overwhelm 11. insidious

Place a +,−, or =in each blank to indicate whether the word should be positive, negative, or neutral in tone, then
use the tone to determine and check the answer.

  1. A ------ politician, Congresswoman Andrews worked hard and made so few mistakes that her opponents
    seemed to be ------ by contrast.
    (A) shrewd.. sages (B) slothful.. drones (C) canny.. blunderers
    (D) dynamic.. firebrands (E) conscientious.. geniuses

  2. His inability to relate to the latest trends in art led him to fear that his critical faculties had ------ during his
    long hiatus.
    (A) diversified (B) atrophied (C) converted (D) enhanced (E) multiplied

  3. To her chagrin, Ellen soon learned that she could not hide her ------; her friends at the party could see the
    signs of weariness on her face.
    (A) amusement (B) incoherence (C) gratitude (D) sorrow (E) exhaustion

  4. McLanham’s ------ prose, particularly when compared to that of his more flamboyant ------, illustrates how
    artists of the same era can reflect startlingly different perspectives on the same reality.
    (A) stark.. contemporaries (B) spartan.. enemies (C) imprecise.. role models
    (D) flowery.. friends (E) well-crafted.. teachers

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