Math Word Problems Demystified - A Self Teaching Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

EVALUATION: Find the area and see if it is 8 inches.







ð 8 Þð 2 Þ

¼8 square inches:

Try These

  1. The perimeter of a rectangle is 42 inches and the length is 3 times the
    width. Find its dimension.Geometric principle: The perimeter of a
    rectangle isP¼ 2 lþ 2 w.

  2. If two sides of a triangle are equal in length and the third side is 6
    inches less than the length of one of the equal sides, find the length of
    the sides if the perimeter is 24 inches.Geometric principle: The perim-
    eter of a triangle is equal to the sum of the lengths of its sides.

  3. The perimeter of a rectangle is 52 inches. If the length is 10 inches less
    than twice the width, find its dimensions.P¼ 2 lþ 2 w.

  4. The sum of the angles of a triangle is 180 8. If the second angle is twice
    as great as the first angle and the third angle is 20 8 less than the
    second angle, find the measures of the angles.

  5. If an angle exceeds its complement by 25 8 , find its measure.
    Geometric principle: Complementary angles are adjacent angles
    whose sum is 90 8.

  6. If one angle of a triangle is 30 8 more than twice another angle, and
    the third angle is equal to the sum of the first two angles, find
    the measures of each angle.Geometric principle: The sum of the
    measures of the angles of a triangle is 180 8.

  7. The area of a rectangle is 60 square inches. The length is 4 inches
    longer than the width. Find its dimensions.Geometric principle: The
    area of a rectangle isA¼lw.

LESSON 20 Word Problems in Geometry 245

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