Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
are often attacked by wild animals. When that happens, the
deer will start to run fast, and only the fastest running and
most agile deer will survive. Gradually, weak and slow deer
will completely disappear, as the predators hunt them down.
There will only be healthy and strong deer left. Therefore, af-
ter some time, the herd will only consist of fit deer.
What we have said so far is quite correct, but these
things have nothing to do with evolution. In spite of this, evo-
lutionists believe that such a herd of deer could gradually de-
velop into another kind of animal, giraffes for example. You
can see how wrong they are! No matter how fast a deer
runs, or how far it extends its neck upwards, it cannot turn
into another creature, a lion or a giraffe, for example. This
can only happen in fairy tales.You probably all know the
story about the frog that turns into a prince. The only time a

There are countless species of living things in the world. Evolutionists
will never be able to explain how these various species came to be.
This is one of the best examples of Allah's creative artistry.

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