Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Evolutionists, however, use the differences between this
race and ours as a way to deceive people. They say, for in-
stance, when they find a Neanderthal skull, "This is the skull
of man's ancestors who lived tens of thousands of years
ago." Sometimes the fossil skulls found are smaller than the
average skull size of human beings today. Pointing to such
a skull fossil, evolutionists will say, "The owner of this skull
was just at the point of changing from an ape into a hu-
In reality, even today there are people belonging to dif-
ferent ethnic groups who have smaller than average skulls.
For example, the skull volume of Native Australians
(Aborigines) is quite small, but this does not mean that they
are half-ape, half-human. They are normal human beings,
just like you and everyone else.
Consequently, we can see that the fossils evolutionists
portray as proof of human beings having evolved from apes
either belong to earlier species of apes or human races that
are now extinct. This means that half–human, half-ape crea-
tures have never existed.


The biggest difference between apes and human beings
is that humans have souls and apes don't. Humans have
consciousness: they think, speak and convey their thoughts
to others in rational sentences, make decisions, feel, devel-
op tastes, know about art, paint, compose songs, sing and
are full of love and moral values. All of these faculties are

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