Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

unique to the human soul. Only human beings have these
unique features. Evolutionists are unable to answer this
question. In order to resemble a human being, an ape
would have to go through many physical changes and
would have to have the other faculties unique to human be-
ings. Is there any force in nature that can give such abilities
as painting, thinking or composing to any ape? Of course
not! Allah created only humans with such abilities, and He
has not given animals any of these faculties. As we have
seen, it is totally impossible for an ape to turn into a human
being. Human beings have been human from the day they
were created. Fish have always been fish, and birds have
always been birds. No creature is the ancestor of another.
Allah is the Creator of all human beings and all other living
things. The reason that evolutionists claim that the human
beings are descended from apes is the physical resem-
blance between the two. However, other creatures on Earth
resemble humans even more closely. For example, the par-
rot seen in the picture can talk. Octopuses have eyes just like
those of human beings. Cats and dogs listen to and follow
orders, just like a person. What would you think if someone
said that human beings were descended from dogs, parrots,
or the octopus? You see, there is no difference between this
idea and the stories that evolutionists fabricate.

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