Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

member Allah, and say, "O Allah I am forever grateful to you
for all your blessings." If we find ourselves in a situation that
we do not like, we should again pray to Allah, because He is
the only One Who can put things right.
Allah always hears our prayers and responds to them.
Allah knows what we are thinking in the depths of our hearts;
He hears and answers every prayer.
What we have to do is to offer our joyful thanks to our
Lord Who created us, the world and all the blessings it con-
tains. And knowing that Allah is always with us, and that He
sees us and listens to us at every moment, we must always be
on our best behavior.

GGlloorryy bbee ttoo YYoouu!! WWee hhaavvee nnoo
kknnoowwlleeddggee eexxcceepptt wwhhaatt YYoouu hhaavvee
ttaauugghhtt uuss.. YYoouu aarree tthhee AAllll--KKnnoowwiinngg..
((SSuurraatt aall--BBaaqqaarraa:: 3322 ))
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