Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

slowly starting to get better. I'll be completely better by the time school
starts again. Then I'll take even more pleasure from being well and
being able to run and play."
At that point Tawfiq's mother came into the room and told him it
was time to go.
"I want to read that book too. Will you send it to me when
you've finished it?" asked Tawfiq.
"Of course," said Rashad. "I'll send it on to you as soon as I fin-
ish it."
On their way back home Tawfiq thought again about what
Rashad had said. He was pleased to see him happy and to listen to
what Rashad had told him. He said to himself, "Being healthy really
is a great blessing and when I get back I'm going to tell all my friends
about it."

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