Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
3 Rewrite the sentence using the word in capitals.
a Same people think it is possible that the ancient Egyptians crossed the Atlantic.
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b They think it is possible that the Egyptians traded with America more than 3,000
years ago.

c Traces of tobacco have been found in Egyptian mummies and it's possible that this came
from Central America.

d The discovery of silk in mummies also suggests that it's possible the Egyptians traded
with China.

e And because there are pyramids in Central America, it's possible that the Mayas got the
idea for building pyramids from Egypt.

f On the other hand, as Egyptian pyramids and Maya pyramids are sa different, it's
possible that the twa civilizations had similar ideas.

g There has even been a claim that it was possibly aliens from another planet who built
the Mayan pyramids.

h According to this theory, it's possible that the aliens used the pyramids as landing places
for their flying saucers.

4 Rewrite the sentences about the conquests of the Spanish in South America using the word
in capitals. Leave out'1imagine ...'









a I imagine the local people we re shocked when they saw the Spanish armies. MUST
b I imagine they didn't know where the Spanish came from. CAN'T

c I imagine they soan realized that they were enemies. MUST

d I imagine they weren't aware of the invaders' intentions. CAN'T

e I imagine they wondered whether they were gods. MUST

f I imagine the Spanish didn't expect to beat the lo cal people sa easily. CAN'T

g I imagine they thought they would be killed. MUST

h I imagine they didn't realize what the Incas were like. CAN'T

I imagine the local people gave up when faced by horses and guns. MUST


I imagine the Spanish didn't expect to find sa much gold. CAN'T
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