Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

5 Rewrite the twa sentences as one if-sentence, containing could have (dane)armight have
(dane).Leave out any unnecessary words.
a The Trojans took the wooden horse into Troy. If
they hadn't, perhaps they would have won the war.
..J,flkte.TCqjaVl.s ..ktac1Vl.ll..lake.Vl.H.lkte..tUOOde..l'!.
ktorse.H.iVl.lo.Tcotjl·· ...MiqktlH'! ..c.ould ..have. ...
..wol'1...lkte..wac. ...
b Alexander the Great died at an early age. If he
hadn't, perhaps he would have eonquered the
whole world.

d The medieval Europeans didn't know that Ameriea
existed. If they had, perhaps they would have
gone there sooner.

e The Aztees thought the Spanish used magie
powers. If they hadn't, perhaps they would have
beaten them.

c The Romans spent a lot of time fighting among
themselves. If they hadn't, perhaps their empire
would have lasted longer.

f The Spanish didn't sueeeed in invading Britain in

  1. If they had, perhaps they would have then
    eonquered all of Europe.


  • Q.


a Jhe. ..MatjaVl. ...C41i.l:1.q..cJaS$.Miqhl ..have. ..die.d
.0&+ b.e.c.a&S.e. ..C4.1e..CS..d/dt'I,o::t worY..



6 Read the text. Then write eight sentences explaining what people think might have happened to the Mayas.

Nobody is quite sure what exaetly happened to the Mayan eivilization.We
know that in 900 AD their cities were still prosperous, but a hundred years
later they had been abandoned.A number of theories have been put forward
to explain this. One theory is that the Mayan ruling c1ass died out beeause
rulers did not work and sa became unhealthy, and there was nobody to tell the
farmers what to dO.Another idea is that farmers were unable to grow enough
food to support large populations in eities. Other people believe that a natural
disaster, sueh as an earthquake, oceurred, the eities were destroyed, and the
people never moved back. Or perhaps another Mexiean people eonquered the Mayas, and destroyed their cities.
Another theory is that there was a revolution, in whieh the farmers killed their rulers. Some experts believe that
an epidemie of some kind caused the disappearanee of the Mayas. Others think that the Mayan cities suffered
from an environmental disaster, eaused by drought or overproduction. Finally,som e people believe that the
people abandoned their cities because their priests told them to do it.


Make twa comments about each situation, saying what might have happened.
Your wal/et is missing. A friend hasn't eal/ed you for several weeks.
Your English teaeher hasn't arrived for the class.



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