Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
A request is a way of politely asking someone to do something. The kind of request we use depends on
where we are, who we are talking to, and what we want the person to do. Some forms are considered
to be more polite than others.

modals: request, permission, offer,

suggestion, advice, will as obligation

More polite


Can you helpmewith the computer?
Could you helpmewith the computer?
Would you helpmewith the computer?
Do you think you could helpmewith the computer?
Could you possibly helpmewith the computer?
Do you mindhelping mewith the computer?
Would you mind helpingmewith the computer?
Sure./ot course./No problem.

asking permission
We ask permission when we want to be allowed to do something. Some forms are considered to be
more polite than others.
More polite

Can Ileave early?
Could Ileave early?
Do you think 1could leave early?
May Ileave early?
Do you mind it Ileave early?
Is it all right if Ileave early?

Yes,you can./No, you can't.
That's all right./Sorry, no.

making offers
We make an offer when we ask if someone wants us to do something, ar say that we will do it.
Shalll tum on the light? Yes,please.
1'11tum on the light. Thanks.
Making an offer can also mean asking someone if they want something.
Wouldyou likeaglassof water? Yesplease./No thanks.

making a promise
1'/1be back in five minutes. I won't do it again, I promise.

making suggestions and giving advice
A suggestion is an idea about what we or other people could do.
Let'sgo tothe library and look it up.
How about going tothe library and looking it up?
Shallwe go tothe library and look it up?
Why don't we go tothe library and look it up?
We couldgo tothe library and look it up.

Good idea.

(Why don'tyou, doesn't she, etc)


Giving advice involves telling another person what they should do.
1think/1don't think you should makeadecision nowo
You shouldn't makeadecision naw.
It I were you, 1wouldn't makeadecision naw.
I'd makeadecision naw, if 1were you.

willas obligation
Informai language and writing we can usewillto describe a rule.
Ali students will wait outside the examination room until told to enter
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