Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

1 Decide whether the wards underlined are acting as adjectives ar adverbs.

a Some people think modern paintings are 'difficult'.
b They find them confusing because they are not 'pictures'
c They say that a good photograph would be better.
d At least, they say, a photo does show the real world.
e !t's also har d to persuade them that the artist worked hardo
f Some modern painting could easily have been painted by a child.
g Artists sometimes make the situation more difficult.
h They write explanations of their wark which can seem unnecessary.
They may not seem to have very much connection with the art.
Still, if the work seems interesting then it is warth looking at.

2 Camplete the sentence with an adverb farmed fram the adjective in brackets.

a The play begins rather (slow) Slomllj.... ...with
a scene at a bus stop.
b Just as you think the main characters are going
to live (happy) ... ever after, the film
takes an unexpected twist.
c This book is (beautiful). written,
but in the end the story is disappointing.
d Mark's guitar playing is pretty go od, but he sings
so (bad) .... .. that I just wanted him
to stop.

e The whole show was (real)
entertaining and the singers and dancers showed
a lot of enthusiasm.
f This is a (true) ... ...great book. Go out
and buy it today.
g This is an (incredible) good album,
with a lot of fantastic tracks.
h Jim Carrey in the main role is (unbelievable)

. sentences for other people. (often)

3 Putthe frequency adverb in brackets inta the mast apprapriate space in the sentence.
Decide whether the statement describes a gaad listener, ar a bad listener.
a I Q:fl~l\ finish.
Good ar bad listener?
b Other people ... seem to be comfartable when they talk to me. (usually)
Good ar bad listener?
c When people talk to me, I look at the floar. (sometimes)
Good or bad listener?
d If I don't .. a person's voice, I ... attention to them. (never)
Good or bad listener?
e I.. ...try to be sympathetic when .. .... people talk about their problems. (usually)
Good ar bad listener?
f I... try to give people my complete attention when they speak to me. (always)
Good ar bad listener?
g I... .....interrupt people befare they have.. finished what they are saying. (rarely)
Good ar bad listener?
h I... laugh at what ..
Good ar bad listener?

..........people say to me, and upset them. (sometimes)
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