Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

4 Make an adverb end ing in-tyfrom the word in brackets, and use it to complete the sentence.


He managed to prave that in an area where
deaths fram cholera were highest, the
water was responsible for
cholera infection. (entire)
Impravements mad e to sewers and supplies
of drinking water later led to a decrease \>,\1-y
in deaths fram cholera. ...Jo"" -

a Cholera is a disease spread by dirty water,
either when people drink the water, or eat
food which has been washed in the water,
and not.prope.dtj cooked. (praper)
b ..'HHHHHHH'until the mid 19th century,
people believed that the disease travelled
thraugh the air. (unfortunate)
c In the crawded cities of 19th-century Britain,
cholera spread .. (easy)
d Most doctorSH believed that
fresh air and a better diet would prevent the
disease. (wrong)
e Huge fires were lit in the
streets to drive away the infection, and the
clothes of victims were also burned. (usual)
f The streets were also cleaned ..
with powerful chemicals. (thoraugh)
g However, people continued to suffer
h In 1854, a doctor in London, John Snow,
..praved that cholera spread
thraugh infected drinking water. (definite)
He did this by collecting
statistics about the infection in one part of
London. (careful)

5 Use the prompts to make a question wit h the frequency adverb in brackets.

a you / take the lead in graup discussions?
(usually) 04 ..f!..$ ..lhe. ..Je.eJ...i'(1, ....
b you / feel / unable to say anything
interesting? (sometimes)

e you / feel that nobody is interested in what
you say? (sometimes)

f you / find ways of keeping other people's
attention? (usually)


c you / change / your opinion after you hear
what others say? (often)

g you / avoid saying what you really think?


d you / listen carefully to what all the others are
saying? (always)


h you / encourage other members of the graup
to speak? (always)

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