Macmillan English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

6 Underline the correct word.

a Irecommend this book. Ithink it'stoo/veryinteresting.
b This is atoo/veryunusual film, and probably won't appeal to everyone.
c This book has more than 700 pages, so it'stoo/verylong to read in an afternoon!
d I liked this film because it istoo/ve/y funny, and it made me laugh a lot.
e What I like most about this book is that the characters aretoo/verytrue-to-life.
f This film istoo/veryromantic, and it really made me cry!
g I couldn't understand this book at all! The language is justtoo/ve/y difficult.
h There are sometoo/verygood scenes in this film, but on the whole I didn't like it.

7 Decide whether the word underlined is used as an
adjective or adverb.
a We had a lovely time in the hotel.
b All the staff greeted us warmly.

c And they spoke to us very politely.

d Most people we met in the town were very friendly.

e You certainly never feellonely in a place like this!

f The night life is also very lively.

g We are very likely to go back next year.

h We would certainly thoroughly recommend it.

8 Complete the sentence with wel/, il/, bad, bad/y, hard,orhard/y.

a Last Thursday I woke up feeling. ..;11.
b When I got up I realized I could walk.
c I had exercisedd in the gym the night before.
d My left ankle seemed to bed swollen.
e I didn't feel at all but I had to go to the doctor's.
f I found itd to walk there, but I managed it in the end.
g The ddd was that I needed an x-ray and had to go to the hospital.
h The doctor there told me there was nothing seriously wrong. I could ..d believe iti

1 Write a sentence for each adverb.

Check that your answers to Exercise 8 are correct. Translate
your answers into your own language.
Need more practice?Goto theReviewon page 192.


careful/y 5/0w/y happi/y bad/y hard
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