Student Writing Handbook Fifth+Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

268 / Types of Writing

STEP 3: Prewriting—Planning the Inverted Pyramid

Next, arrange the details in order of importance. Note that order of importance may
not be the same as order of interest. And it may not be the same for you as for the
reader. Follow the order of importance from the point of view of the reader. Because
the editor may need to shorten the article, he will cut from the end without revising.
So be objective so that the reader gets the important details first.

Arrange your list of details in the order of their importance.

STEP 4: Writing—Developing the First Draft

Begin with a single sentence that includes as many of the answers to the basic-infor-
mation questions as possible. If you need a second sentence to include all—the who,
what, why, when, where, and how—use it. But use no more than two sentences.

Next, add information following the inverted-pyramid plan. Avoid rambling. Omit
unnecessary details. Omit irrelevant information.

STEP 5: Revising—Polishing the Content

When you have finished the first draft, check for completeness. Ask yourself these

  • Have^ I^ included^ who,^ what,^ why,^ when,^ where,^ and^ how?

  • Have^ I^ included^ explanations^ where^ necessary?

  • Will^ the^ reader^ have^ questions^ I^ have^ not^ addressed?^ Can^ I^ anticipate^ and^ reply?

Next, check for good writing techniques:

  • Are^ my^ sentences^ short^ and^ simple?

  • Have^ I^ used^ a^ clear,^ nontechnical^ vocabulary?
    -^ Have I begun a new paragraph for each new idea, recognizing that a
    newspaper paragraph is very unlike an expository paragraph?

  • Do^ I^ follow^ the^ inverted-pyramid^ organization?^ Or^ will^ the^ reader^ lose^ vital^
    information if the editor cuts the end of the article?

Make necessary corrections and improvements.

STEP 6: Proofreading—Taking a Critical Look

Check for accuracy. Consider the basic questions:

  • Are^ dates^ accurate?
    -^ Are times accurate, indicating Central Standard Time, Eastern Daylight Time,
    Pacific Time, and so on?

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