Student Writing Handbook Fifth+Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
News Article / 269

  • Are^ places^ clearly^ identified,^ including^ street^ addresses^ and^ business^ locations?
    -^ Are names included where necessary and are these people identified by title or

  • Are^ other^ details^ accurate?

In addition, check for grammar, mechanics, and usage details. [See Chapter 3, Revis-
ing, and all of Part IV for rules, explanations, and examples.] Check spelling and word

Finally, read the following sample news article and its accompanying analysis.
Together, they should help you develop your own article.

saMPle neWs article

The public relations director of a local company submitted the following news article
to the newspaper.

News Release

On June 10, Karson Manufacturing will break ground for a $6 million addition at its present
location according to Lamont Karson, chairman of the board. The expansion will allow the
company to increase production of its current stamping operation to meet increased sales.
As a result of the expansion, Karson expects to employ an additional 230 workers by late next
The information, made public at today’s stockholders’ meeting, confirms local business ana-
lysts’ expectations of significant company profit margins. As sales increase, said Karson, profits
“will be returned to the company.”
The Karson stamping operation currently provides sheet-metal parts to both the automotive
industry and to the small-appliance industry. The new expansion will allow the company to
meet the increasing demands in both industries.
In addition, the company expects to begin operations that will serve the lawn-care industry.
With the recent expansion of Jayne Lawn Equipment Manufacturing in adjoining Perigo
County, Karson expects to take advantage of that growing market.
Karson explained that recent plant closings of three small area stamping operations have
resulted in increased sales for Karson Manufacturing.
Because current land holdings adjoining the present manufacturing site permit extensive
expansion, no residential or business properties will be affected by the plans. Ample transpor-
tation systems currently serve the site.
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