Student Writing Handbook Fifth+Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

270 / Types of Writing


The sample news article includes the following:

  • The first two sentences provide the basic information: who, what, why, when,
    where, and how.

  • The most important details appear first, followed by less and less important
    information. The final paragraph could easily be omitted without serious
    damage to the article.

  • The writer has anticipated the reader’s questions and answered them: about
    additional employment, increased profits, future potential, and impact on
    nearby homes and businesses.

  • The paragraphs, unlike those in expository writing, include only a few
    sentences so that only a single idea appears in each.

  • The relatively short sentences read easily and clearly.

  • The article follows the standard grammar, mechanics, and usage rules.

  • The article maintains an objective point of view—although another writer
    might have interviewed a representative from the labor community, the
    construction business, the stockholders’ list, a competitive company, or
    neighboring households and businesses.

When you are ready to submit your own article, follow these suggestions:

  1. Give your name, address, and phone number(s) so the editor can reach you.

  2. Submit the article in advance so that it can be handled on a “future” basis.
    Then, a few days before you want the article printed, call the editor for an
    opportunity to clear up questions and put your item in the forefront.

  3. Understand that what you submit will probably be changed to conform to news-
    paper style. In fact, some newspapers print only material an employee rewrites.
    The better your work, the better your chances that the article will carry the
    message and emphasis you want.

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