Gardners Art through the Ages A Global History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
1072 Index

Cubism/Futurism and, 908; Dada and,
929;Fountainand, 15; the Steins and,
918; work of,908,930–931,930,35-27A
Dunhuang Grottoes, 192–193, 194, 205, 214,
Dura-Europos, 289–291, 295; Christian
community house, 291,291,309; murals
at, 291,291;synagogue, 290–291,290,
304, 309
Durandus, William, bishop of Mende: on
stained-glass windows, 472
Dürer, Albrecht,7, 638, 639, 642, 647, 668,
686, 801,20-20A, 23-3A, 23-4A;
Leonardo and, 628, 629; marketing by,
629; personification and, 5; work of,5,
624,628–630,629, 630,23-4A, 23-5A
Durga, 168, 171, 716
Durga Slaying the Buffalo Demon Manisha,
rock-cut relief (Mamallapuram),6-21B
Durham Cathedral, 454–455, 459, 487;
interior/lateral section of,455;plan of,
455,455;vaults of, 464
Durrow Gospels, 411–412
Dutch Republic, 637, 673, 674, 701; art of,
679–691, 703; art market in, 680;
reclamation and, 686
Dwelling in the Fuchin Mountains(Huang
Gongwang), 721, 721
Dwelling in the Qingbian Mountains(Dong
Qichang), 727, 727
Dying Gauls, 148–149
Dying warrior, 118, 118
Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash(Balla),
926, 927

Eadwine Psalter(Eadwine the Scribe), 458;
folio from, 458
Eadwine the Scribe, 17-22A;work of, 458,
458, 525
Eagle transformation mask, 864
Eakins, Thomas,816, 819, 844, 956; work
of, 806–807, 806
Eannatum, victory stele of, 36, 36
Ear ornament, Moche, 384
Early Byzantine, 331; architecture of, 312–322;
art of, 312–327, 339; mosaics of, 312–322
Early Christian: architecture, 295, 298–304;
art, 309, 312, 316, 320, 322, 416, 418, 429;
mosaics, 295, 298–304; painting, 292;
sculpture, 293–295
Early Classical period, 118–121, 123–137,
155; architecture of, 119–120; painting of,
134–137; sculpture of, 119–120; statuary
of, 121, 123–125
Early Dynastic period, 79; architecture of,
56–59; painting of, 54–56; sculpture of,
Early Gothic: architecture, 463, 465, 467, 470,
471, 472; sculpture, 465
Early Horizon period, 380, 391
Early Intermediate period, 380, 391
Early Islamic: architecture, 342, 344–349,
352; art, 342–351, 352
Early Medieval period, 170–171, 173–174;
art of, 407
Early Operation under Ether, Massachusetts
General Hospital(Hawes and
Southworth), 816, 816
Early Renaissance, 544, 566, 577, 636, 809;
architecture of, 599; sculpture of, 545
Early Roman Empire, 239, 287; art of,
Earth Mother, 886
Earthen mounds, 221, 388, 391
Earthenwares: Chinese, 182, 196, 205;
Neolithic, 208
Earthworks, 1014; Mississippian,14-29A
Easel painting: Pollock on, 973

East India Company, 709, 712, 717
Easter Island, 871, 872; art of, 880; moai of,
880,887; stone sculptures of, 870
Eastern Jin dynasty, 190
Eastern philosophy, 1017, 1021
Eastern Pure Land, 212
Eastern Zhou, 184, 205, 724
Ebbo Gospels,417, 418, 449,17-15B;
folio of, 417
Ecclesius, Bishop, 316, 318, 332
Eclecticism: Byzantine, 337, 338, 339;
École des Beaux-Arts, 812
Ecstacy of Saint Teresa(Bernini), 654–655,
654,659, 671
Edfu, Temple of Horus, 78,78, 79
Edict of Milan, 282, 286, 291
Edirne: Mosque of Selim II, 354,354,355, 363
Edo period (Japan), 741–743, 745, 749; end
of, 746; ukiyo-e and, 744
Edward II, King: tomb of, 489, 489
Edward III, King, 489
Edward the Confessor, 457
Edwards, Melvin,998, 1025; work of,
995–996, 995
Effects of Good Government in the City and in
the Country(Lorenzetti), 512–513; detail
from, 512
Effigy mounds, 388
Église du Dôme (Hardouin-Mansart),
700–701,700, 770
Egypt: gods/goddesses of, 54; map of,54;
Roman Empire and, 155, 254, 275, 333
Eiffel, Alexandre-Gustave:work of,
820, 849
Eiffel Tower (Eiffel), 759,820,849, 851, 905,
922, 960
Eight, The, 932, 933–934
Eight Views of the Parlor(Harunobu), 745
18 Happenings in Six Parts(Kaprow), 1017
80 Backs(Abakanowicz), 1000, 1000
Einstein, Albert, 915, 921
Eisenstein, Sergei,36-3A
Eitoku, Kano,749; work of, 738–739, 739
Ekkehard II, statue of, 491–492, 491
El Dorado, legend of, 379
El Escorial (Herrera and Toledo), 645,
645, 647
El Greco (Doménikos Theotokópoulos),
647; work of, 646,646,23-25A
El Tajín, 376
Elamites, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48
Eldana Abbey, 794
Eleanor of Aquitaine, 448, 463, 482
Eleanora of Toledo and Giovanni de’ Medici
Elema, 887; art of, 875–876
Elephanta, 169–170, 173, 179
Elevation drawings, 12
Elevation of the Cross(Rubens), 675, 675
Eligius, Saint, 529, 530
Elizabeth I, Queen, 641, 712, 717
Ellora, India: Kailasanatha Temple,6-22A
Em, David,1023; work of, 1023, 1023
Emancipation Proclamation, 808, 809
Embarkation of the Queen of Sheba
(Lorrain), 8, 8
Embroidery, 188, 382,382, 456
Emerald Buddha,714–715, 714
Emeterius,440,17-22A;work of, 415, 415
Encyclopédie,Diderot and, 758, 760
Engels, Friedrich, 800, 821
English Gothic, 810, 811; architecture,
English Romanesque: architecture, 453–455;
art, 453–458, 459; painting, 455, 457–458
Engraving, 537, 538, 539, 561
Enheduanna, 41, 51; votive disk of, 41

Enlightenment, 757–765, 769, 786, 790,
915; architecture, 770–774; classical art
and, 767; Greece/Rome and, 775; Neo-
classicism and, 784; philosophy of,
757–759; Rationalism and, 798; rebellion
against, 789; science of, 757–759;
sculpture, 770–774
Enlil, 33, 36
Ensor, James, 31-26A, 35-6A;work of,
Entartete Kunstexhibition, 945, 945
Enthroned Madonna and Saints Adored by
Federico da Montefeltro(Piero della
Francesca), 570
Entombment(Caravaggio), 660–661, 661
Entombment of Christ(Pontormo), 612–613,
Entombment of Christ(Sant’Angelo in
Entry into Jerusalem(from Maestà
altarpiece) (Duccio),19-11A
Entry into Jerusalem(Giotto),19-9A,
Environmental Art movement, 1014–1016
Epic of American Civilization: Hispano-
America(Orozco),958, 959
Epidauros theater, 143, 143
Epigonos,149; work of, 148
Equestrian fly whisks, 397–398, 397
Equitable Building, New York, 849
Erasmus, Desiderius, 625, 633; Dürer and,
628, 630
Erechtheion, 126,126,130, 131–133,131;
capitals at, 144; caryatids from, 257;
plan of, 132, 132
Ergotimos,114, 114
Ernst, Max,933, 945, 953; work of,
944, 944
Eroticism in art,24-18A
Eshnunna statuettes, 35,35,42,2-6A
Eskimos, 387, 391; art of, 866
Esoteric Buddhism,215,221,735
Espercieux, Jean-Joseph, 30-6A
Et in Arcadia Ego(Poussin), 691–692, 691
Étienne Chevalier and Saint Stephen
(Fouquet), 534
Etruria, 224, 225, 226, 231, 234; decline
of, 235
Etruscan architecture, 225–230, 235
Etruscan art: early, 224–230; Greek art and,
223, 224, 235; later, 231–234; Rome and,
226, 232–234
Etruscan Italy, map of, 224
Etruscan plans, 239, 240, 245, 287
Etruscan Room (Adam), 766,766, 767
Etruscan sarcophagi, 233, 234, 243
Etruscan temples, 225, 225
Etruscan tombs, 228, 231, 291, 440, 766;
vases in, 104, 114, 227
Etruscans, 104, 239, 241, 301, 450; apex of,
235; seafaring by, 224; trading by, 235
Eugène Delacroix(Nadar),776, 817
Eugenius III, Pope, 448
foreshortening and, 155; work of,
116–117, 116
Euripedes, 100, 119, 143, 155
Europe, map of,16, 462, 626, 674, 778
Eusebius of Caesarea, 410
Euthymides,136, 142, 562,5-24A;amphora
by, 116–117; foreshortening and, 155;
work of, 116
Evening Bell at the Clock(Harunobu),
744, 745
Events (as art), Fluxus and, 1017

Dipylon krater, 102,102,5-2A
Dipylon Painter:work of,5-2A
Dish (Hamada), 748
Dish with Arabic proverb, from Nishapur,
Dish with lobed rim, 729
Disibodenberg, double monastery at, 448
Diskolobos (Discus Thrower)(Myron),
Distant View of Dordrecht, with a Milkmaid
and Four Cows, and Other Figures(Cuyp),
686, 687
Divination: Etruscan,9-13A
Divine Comedy(Dante), 481, 502, 541
Divisionism, 832
Dix, Otto,945; work of, 942, 942
Djenne, 399–400; archer, 399,399;Great
Mosque, 392, 400,400,405; terracottas,
399,399, 405
Djoser: funerary temple of, 58, 60; Imhotep
and, 57–59; mortuary precinct of, 58,58,
59;mortuary precinct of,3-6A;pyramid
of, 58, 79
Documentary evidence, in art history, 2
Doge’s Palace, 515–516,515,616, 765,
Dogon, 895, 907; art of, 894, 900–901;
masquerade and, 899; togu na of, 904, 904
Dome of the Rock, 342, 344, 351, 363; aerial
view of,343;interior of,344;mosaics at,
345, 357
Domes, 94; concrete, 241,241;
hemispherical, 241,241;muqarnas,
352–353, 352
Dominicans, 482, 500, 515; influence of, 501;
San Marco and, 556
Domitian, 239, 260, 262, 263
Domus Aurea (Severus and Celer), 258–259,
260, 275; plan of, 259
Donatello (Donato de Niccolo Bardi),550,
552, 553, 554, 557, 577, 589, 590, 591, 629,
653,21-35A;work of, 545–547,545, 546,
Dong Qichang:work of, 727, 727
Doors: of Christian churches,11-10A
Doors from shrine in royal palace, Ikere,
Nigeria (Olowe of Ise),34-14A
Doric order, 85, 111, 112, 144, 146, 155, 225;
described, 110; elevation of,110;example
of, 117
Doric portico (Stuart),771, 775
Doryphoros (Spear Bearer)(Polykleitos),124,
125, 138, 139, 255, 473, 545
Dotaku, 209,209, 221
Douglas, Aaron,956, 967; Cubism and, 936;
work of, 936,937,35-36A
Douglas Camp, Sokari, 896
Dove, Arthur, 35-34A, 35-39A;work of,
Dravida style, 707
Dravidian, 157
Drawings, 2; architectural, 11, 12; elevation,
12; pen-and-ink, 581; Renaissance, 581
Dream, The(Rousseau),31-25A, 35-18A
Dreamings (Australian aboriginal), 872, 873,
873, 887
Drouet de Dammartin, 20-2A
Drunkenness of Noah(Michelangelo), 593
Dry-landscape gardening, 736,736,737, 741,
Dubuffet, Jean, 36-31A;work of,
971–972, 971
Duccio di Buoninsegna,484, 509, 510, 517,
558; contract with, 506; work of, 505,
507–508,507, 508,18-36A, 19-9A,
19-10A, 19-11A
Duchamp, Marcel,818, 935, 953, 982, 1000,
1017,36-21A;Armory Show and, 934;

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