Gardners Art through the Ages A Global History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
1074 Index

Golden House (Severus and Celer), 251,
258–259, 260, 264, 287; plan of,259;wall
paintings at, 251
Goldsmith in His Shop, A(Christus),
529–530,529, 638
Goldsmiths, 379–380, 391, 529, 530, 544
Golub, Leon:work of, 998–999, 998
Gonzaga, Federigo, 620,22-53A
Gonzaga, Francesco, 610, 611
Gonzaga, Ludovico, 572, 573, 575, 577
González, Julio:work of, 925, 925
Goodacre, Glenna, 1007
Gopuras, 711–712, 717
Gordion, mosaics at, 303
Gorgets, Mississippian, 388, 389
Gorky, Arshile:work of,36-5A
Gospel Book of Charlemagne. See Coronation
Gospel Book of Otto III,427–428; folios from,
Gospelists: portraits of,10-25B
Gossaert, Jan:work of,638,639,23-14A
Gothic architecture, 455, 468, 489–490,
810–811, 819; Scholasticism and, 466;
stained-glass windows and, 472
Gothic cathedrals, 461, 468, 514; elements of,
469,469;nave elevations of, 468
Gothic Revival style,29-26A
Gothic style, 462, 497, 509, 612; decline
of, 516
Goths, 280, 407, 429, 461
Goujon, Jean:work of,23-12A
Government Services Administration (GSA),
censorship and, 1016
Goya y Lucentes, Francisco José de,801,
819, 928, 956; work of, 786,786, 787, 788
Granada (Spain), 341, 644; Alhambra,340,
352–353,352, 363
Grand Canal, 603, 765
Grand Louvre Pyramide, Cour Carré, Louvre,
Paris (Pei),36-63B
Grand Manner portraiture, 763, 764, 773
Grand Tour, 771, 775; described, 765;
Neoclassicism and, 766
Grande Odalisque(Ingres), 783, 783
Grande Revue, La:Matisse in, 912
Grave Circle A, Mycenae,4-22A;funerary
mask from, 94, 94
Grave stele, 134, 138, 138
Graves, Michael,1025; work of, 1010, 1010
Great Bath, 158, 158
Great Buddha Hall, 214, 214
Great Depression, 909, 910, 957, 964; art of,
954–955, 967
Great Enclosure, 401; walls/tower of, 401
Great Exhibition, 813
Great Mosque, Córdoba, 348–349, 363; dome
of,349;prayer hall of, 348
Great Mosque, Damascus, 344–345; aerial
view of,345;mosaics of, 344,344, 345
Great Mosque, Djenne, 400, 405; aerial view
of,400;eastern façade of, 392
Great Mosque, Isfahan, 355–356; aerial view
of,355;plan of, 356
Great Mosque, Kairouan, 347; aerial view of,
347;plan of, 347
Great Mosque, Samarra, 347; maqsura of,
349;minaret of, 347
Great Piece of Turf(Dürer), 629, 629
Great Plains, 387, 862, 863, 869; art of,
Great Plaza, Copán, 373
Great Plaza, Tikal, 373
Great Pyramids, Gizeh, 48, 59–61,59,71, 79
Great Schism, 461, 501, 519
Great Sphinx, 61,61, 62
Great Stupa, 162, 163,163,164, 179; diagram
of,163;torana at,164,6-8A

Great Temple, Madurai, 711–712; gopuras
of, 711
Great Temple, Tenochtitlán, 855, 856, 857,
869; cutaway view of, 855
Great Wall, 184
Great Wave off Kanogawa, The(Hokusai),
744, 745, 745
Great Zimbabwe, 401–402, 405; Great
Enclosure, 401, 401
Greco-Roman art, 2, 461
Greco-Roman mythology, 273, 550, 577
Greco-Roman statuary, 544, 692; influence
on Indian art,6-10A
Greek art: Etruscan art and, 223, 224, 235;
Roman art and, 239, 287; Western
civilization and, 99
Greek cross, 331, 339, 400,400,600, 655, 770
Greek temples, 225, 245, 274, 440
Green Coca-Cola Bottles(Warhol), 984
Green Dining Room (Morris), 846, 846
Greenberg, Clement, 976, 978, 987; influence
of, 972; on minimalism, 979–980;
modernism and, 822; Post-Painterly
Abstraction and, 975
Greenough, Horatio:work of, 774, 774
Gregory, Saint, 443; statue of, 473, 473
Gregory the Great, Pope, 443, 448
Greuze, Jean-Baptiste,767, 775; work of,
761,761, 763
Gropius, Walter,963,35-72A, 35-73A;
Bauhaus and, 962, 967; work of, 962, 962
Gros, Antoine-Jean,783, 785, 788, 819; work
of, 781, 781
Gross Clinic, The(Eakins), 806–807,
806, 816
Grosz, George,945, 953; work of,
940–941, 941
Grotto of Thetis, 699, 699
Ground line,1-11A
Grünewald, Matthias (Matthias
Neithardt),942; work of, 626,627, 628
Gu Kaizhi,191, 216; work of, 190, 191
Guan Daosheng:work of, 720–721,720, 726
Guan Yu Captures General Pang De(Shang
Xi), 725, 725
Guaranty (Prudential) Building (Sullivan),
850, 850
Guarini, Guarino:work of,24-9A, 24-14A
Gudea: statue, holding a water jar, from
Gudea of Lagash, 42, 51, 62; statue of, 42
Guernica(Picasso), 940,940, 953
Guerrilla Girls:work of, 993, 993
Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao (Gehry), 1012,
1012;atrium of, 1012
Guido di Pietro.SeeAngelico, Fra
Guild hall, 479–480, 479
Guild of Saint Luke, 528
Guilds, 461, 528, 543, 544; described, 506;
training by, 510
Guitar(Picasso), 923–924, 923
Gupta period, 166–167, 169–170, 174, 179
Gutai Bijutsu Kyokai (Concrete Art
Association), 1017, 1018
Gutenberg, Johannes, 536

Haacke, Hans:work of, 1002, 1002
Haboku style, 737,737,738, 749
Habsburg dynasties, 665, 673, 674
Habsburg Empire, 643, 665, 666, 671
Habsburg-Valois War, 635
Hades abducting Persephone, 141
Hadid, Zaha:work of,36-71A
Hadrian, 239, 263, 273, 282, 283, 287,
10-48A;Antoninus Pius and, 272;
Apollodorus of Damascus and, 269;
architectural designs and, 269; Greek

culture and, 267–270; portrait of,
267, 267
Hadrian’s Villa, 269, 269
Hagar Qim,14,29; temple of, 28
Hagenauer, Nikolaus,626, 627
Hagesandros:work of, 153–154,153, 154
Hagia Sophia (Anthemius of Tralles and
Isidorus of Miletus), 313–314,313,324,
327–328, 354, 355, 363, 471, 474, 1004;
design of, 315; dome of, 329; imperial
gallery at, 419; mosaics at, 339;
pendentives at, 315; plan and cutaway
view of, 313
Hagia Triada: sarcophagus from,4-8A
Hagios Georgios (Church of Saint George),
Thessaloniki, Greece,11-18A
Haida, 863; totem poles by, 865,865, 869
Hair ornaments, 882
Halikarnassos: Mausoleum, 48,5-64A,
Hall church.SeeHallenkirche
Hall of Mirrors, 698,699,752, 753
Hall of Supreme Harmony,718, 723
Hall of the Bulls,21, 23
Hall of the Two Sisters, 352, 352
Hallenkirche, 444, 490
Hals, Frans,679, 684, 703; work of, 680–683,
681, 682
Hamada Shoji:Leach and, 748; work of,
748, 748
Hamadan: rhyton from,2-26A
Hamilton, Richard:work of, 981–982, 981
Hammons, David:work of, 997, 997
Hammurabi: Mari overthrown by,2-17A;
Shamash and, 30, 33,2-17A;stele of, 30
Hammurabi’s Law Code, 43, 51; stele with,
43, 44
Han dynasty, 185, 187–188, 195, 202, 205,
715; houses/palaces, 188, 189
Handprints,20, 22
Handscrolls, 195, 198, 218, 720, 721, 726;
described, 190
Hang-Up(Hesse), 981, 981
Hanging gardens, 48
Hanging scrolls, 190, 721
Hanging Tree(Callot), 694–695, 695
Haniwa, 210,210, 221
Hanson, Duane,1025; work of,
986–987, 987
Happenings, 1017, 1018,36-24A
Harappa, 157, 159
Harawa: mummy portraits from,10-62A,
Harbaville Triptych, 333, 335
Hardouin-Mansart, Jules,703, 752, 753,
770; work of, 698,699,700–701, 700
Harihara, King, 706
Harihara (god), 175, 175
Harlem Renaissance, 936, 956, 967,35-36A
Harper’s Weekly:Winslow Homer and, 806
Hart, Frederick, 1007
Hartley, Marsden,941; work of,
935–936, 935
Harunobu, Suzuki,749, 828; work of,
744, 745
Harvest of Death, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania,
July 1863, A(O’Sullivan and Gardner),
817, 817
Harvester Vase,89–90,90,96,4-23A
Hasan, Sultan, 354, 356, 358, 363;
mausoleum of, 353
Hatshepsut, Queen, 41, 72, 276, 990,3-20A;
portraits of, 68,68;story of, 68; temple of,
67–68,67, 71,79,3-20A
Hattusa, Lion Gate, 43–44, 44
Hawaiian Islands, 871, 880; art of, 884–885;
tattooing in, 883
Hawes, Harriet Boyd, 82

Géricault, Théodore,783, 793, 794, 803;
work of, 788–789,789,30-15A
German Expressionism, 833, 841, 913–917,
921, 922, 967, 987
Gernrode, Saint Cyriakus, 422,422,433, 466,
Gero, Archbishop, 425, 445
Gero crucifix, 425–426,425,429,18-49A
Gérôme, Jean-Léon, 806
Gertrude Stein(Picasso), 918, 918
Gervase of Canterbury, 435, 436
Gessii, tomb reliefs of, 243
Gestural abstraction, 973, 974, 989, 1025
Ghent, Saint Bavo Cathedral, 522, 524, 525,
686, 687
Ghent Altarpiece(van Eyck), 522, 524,524,
525,526, 527,20-5A, 20-8A, 30-2B
Ghiberti, Lorenzo,553, 557, 577,21-35A;
Florence Cathedral and, 562; Middle
Ages and, 461; work of, 543–544,543,
548–549, 548
Ghirlandaio, Domenico,531, 568, 577, 589;
work of, 558–559, 558
Giacometti, Alberto:work of,970, 971
Giacomo da Vignola:work of, 622, 622
Giacomo della Porta,600, 650; work of,
622, 622
Gibbon, Edward, 767
Gigantomachy, 112, 113,113,147, 148, 149
Gilgamesh, Huwara and, 32
Giorgione da Castelfranco,605, 608, 610,
623, 783,35-2A;work of,606, 607
Giotto di Bondone,507, 514, 517, 553, 554,
558, 577, 589,19-5B, 19-8A, 19-19A,
19-19B, 35-54A;work of,496,503–505,
503, 504,19-9A, 19-9B, 19-11A
Giovanna Tornabuoni(Ghirlandaio),558, 577
Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride(van Eyck),
518,524–525, 638, 670
Giovanni da Bologna (Jean de Boulogne),
623; work of, 618–619, 619
Girardon, François:work of, 699–700, 699
Girl preparing to bathe (Onesimos),5-24A
Girodet-Trioson, Anne-Louis,783, 785,
819; work of, 782,782,30-6A
Girsu (Iraq), 33, 36, 42, 62; Gudea statue
Gislebertus,457, 570,17-22A;work of,4,
441,441,17-12A, 17-12B
Giuliano da Maiano, 564
Giuliano da Sangallo, 636
Giulio Romano,498, 623; work of, 620,620,
Gizeh: Great Pyramids, of Khafre, Khufu, and
Menkaure, 48, 59–61,59,71, 79; Great
Sphinx, 61,61,62; Pyramid of Unas, 60
Glass skyscraper (Mies van der Rohe), 963
Gleaners, The(Millet), 800
Global Groove(Paik), 1021, 1021
Glorification of Saint Ignatius(Pozzo),
665, 665
Gloucester Cathedral, 487–488; choir of, 488,
Glykon of Athens,140, 660
Gnosis:work of,140, 141
Gobelin tapestry: by Stvlzl,35-73A
God as architect of world, 481–482, 481
God-kings, 63, 64
Godescalc Lectionary:folio of,16-13A
God’s Separation of Light and Darkness
(Michelangelo), 593
Gods/goddesses: Egyptian, 54; Etruscan,
225; Greek/Roman, 101; Hindu, 168;
Mesopotamian, 33
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 791, 793
Golden Age, 256
Golden apples of the Hesperides,11-5A
Golden Hall, 212, 213

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