Gardners Art through the Ages A Global History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 1073

First Style (Masonry Style), 251, 252, 287;
described, 248; wall paintings in, 248
First Surrealist Manifesto, 943
Fischer von Erlach, Johann Bernhard:
work of,29-25A
Fit for Active Service(Grosz), 941
Five Dynasties period (China), 196
Flack, Audrey,1025; work of, 985–986, 985
Flag(Johns), 982, 982
Flagellation of Christ(Piero della Francesca),
540,572, 572
Flamboyant style, 478, 479, 480, 488, 495
Flavian portraiture, 261–262, 261
Flavians, 260–263; Colosseum and, 287
Flemish art, 519–532, 534, 539, 674–679, 703
Flight into Egypt(Carracci), 657, 657
Flitcroft, Henry:work of,29-27A
Floreale (Italian art style), 846
Florence, 223, 502, 505, 507, 765,19-18A;
architecture in, 513–514, 562–568; art of,
542–568, 577; Brancacci Chapel, 554–555,
557; Florence Cathedral, 506, 513–514,
514,542, 562, 563, 577, 590, 600; Lauren-
tian Library, 620–621,621;map of,542;
Medici Chapel, 564, 618; Medici family
and, 549, 577; New Sacristy, 592; Old
Sacristy, 564, 618; Or San Michele, 544,
545, 554, 577,19-19B, 21-35A;Ospedale
degli Innocenti,21-30A;painting in,
552–562; Palazzo della Signoria, 544, 549,
550, 590,19-18A;Palazzo Medici,
565–566; Palazzo Medici-Riccardi,565,
566,566,567, 601; Palazzo Rucellai,
566–567,566;Pazzi Chapel, 563–565,563,
564,565; Piazza della Signoria, 978; San
Giovanni, 451,451, 513,514,19-19A;San
Lorenzo,21-31A;San Miniato al Monte,
452,452,567; Santa Croce, 3,3,302, 501,
563,19-5A;Santa Maria del Carmine, 554,
557, 564; Santa Maria Novella, 500–501,
501,506, 558, 567,567,622; Santo Spirito,
562–563,563,565, 574, 577; sculpture in,
Florence Cathedral (Arnolfo di Cambio),
506, 513–514, 542, 562, 563, 577, 590, 600;
baptistery at, 542, 577; interior of, 514
Flower Still Life(Ruysch), 690–691, 691
Flowers on Body(Mendieta), 992, 992
Fluxus group, 1017, 1018, 1021
Flying buttresses, 460, 468,469,487, 495;
described, 11, 469
Flying horse: from the tomb of Governor-
General Zhang,7-8A
Foguang Si (Buddha Radiance Temple),
Mount Wutai, 194; drawing of, 194
Foguang Si Pagoda, Yingxian, 199, 205;
cross-section of, 199
Fon (Africa), art of, 893
Fontainebleau, 635, 647, 800
Fontana, Carlo, 29-25A
Fontana, Lavinia,611; work of,22-41A
Fontenay, Notre-Dame abbey church,
443, 445
Forbidden City, 718, 723, 725, 731, 733; aerial
view of, 723
Foreshortened Christ(Mantegna), 576,576,
Foreshortening, 43, 51, 98, 116, 155;
described, 8–9; perspective and, 9
Forever Free(Lewis), 808–809, 808
Form, concept in art, 6
Formalism, 972, 979, 1002
Fort Peck Dam, Montana(Bourke-White),
Forum, Pompeii, 245; aerial view of, 244
Forum of Augustus,238,257, 264
Forum of Julius Caesar, 238

Forum of Trajan (Apollodorus of Damascus),
238,264–265,264,269, 275, 299
Forum Romanum,238, 262
Foster, Norman:work of,36-67A
Foucault, Michel, 987
Fountain(Duchamp), 15, 930,930,35-27A,
Fountain of the Four Rivers, Piazza Navona,
Rome (Bernini),24-4A
Fouquet, Jean,539; work of, 534, 534
Four Apostles(Dürer), 630, 630
Four Crowned Saints(Nanni di Banco),
544, 545
Four Evangelists, 296, 325, 412, 429, 436
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, The
(Dürer), 5,5, 7
Fourth Style, 253, 262, 287, 766; described,
251; wall paintings in,251, 252, 253
Foy, Saint, 432
Fra Angelico.SeeAngelico, Fra
Fra Filippo Lippi.SeeLippi, Fra Filippo
Fragonard, Jean-Honoré,775; work of,750,
France, map of, 520
Francis I, King, 584, 613, 618, 635, 647;
châteaux and, 636
Francis I(Clouet), 635, 635
Francis of Assisi, Saint, 500, 501, 608,19-5A;
portrayal of, 517
Franciscans, 482, 500, 565,19-5A;influence
of, 501; perspective and, 505
Franco, Francisco, 940
François Vase(Kleitias and Ergotimos), 114
Frankenthaler, Helen,1025; on color-field
painting, 977; Post-Painterly Abstraction
and, 976; work of, 976–977, 977
Franks, 316, 341, 407, 415, 429
Frederick II, 497, 517; equestrian portrait
of, 492
Freedmen/freedwomen, art for, 243, 243
French Ambassadors, The(Holbein),634, 647
French Baroque, 698, 752, 756, 775
French Gothic, 487, 517; architectural
decoration, 462–480; architecture, 459,
462–480, 495; art, 462–486, 495; statuary,
French Realism, 798–805, 933
French Revolution, 464, 478, 758, 760, 768,
769, 777,29-14A;Neoclassicism and, 766
French Rococo, 751, 752; painting, 754–757;
sculpture, 754–757
French Romanesque: architecture, 433–443;
sculpture, 433–443
French Romanticism, 786–793
French Royal Academy of Painting and
Sculpture, 697, 762, 823, 839; Fauves and,
911; salon of, 760, 761; Watteau and, 755
Fresco painting, 97, 246, 504
Fresco secco, 72, 73, 86
Freud, Sigmund, 839, 929, 943, 946
Friedrich, Caspar David,819; work of, 794,
Friend, The(Lehmbruck).See Seated Youth
Friend of the Birds(Tamayo),35-67A
Frigidarium, Baths of Diocletian, 278
Frobenius, Leo, 398
Fu Hao, tomb of, 183
Fujiwara family, 216, 217
Fujiwara no Sadanobu:work of,8-14A
Fuller, Meta Warrick, 936
Funerary art, 64,243,271,271,291–295
Funerary masks, 94–95,94, 97
Fuseli, Henr y,786; work of,784, 785
Futurism, 908, 926–928, 948,35-54A
Futurist Painting: Technical Manifesto, 927
Futurists, 922, 934, 935, 937, 967; sculpture
and, 927–928, 950; World War I and,
928, 970

Gabo, Naum,960; work of, 949, 949
Gabriel, Angel, 338, 477, 478, 484
Gaia/Ge, 101, 120
Gainsborough, Thomas,775; work of,
762–763, 763
Galatea, 840
Galatea(Raphael),586, 587
Galerie des Glaces (Hardouin-Mansart and
Le Brun), 698,699,752, 753
Galerius,edict by,291
Galla Placidia, mausoleum of,288,302,302,
304, 321
Gallic chieftain killing himself and wife
(Epigonis), 148
Gandhara, Buddha prototypes from,
164–166, 179, 190,190,6-10A
Gandhi, Mahatma, 713, 717
Ganges River,6-21A
Garbha griha, 171, 172, 179
Garden in Sochi(Gorky),36-5A
Garden of Earthly Delights(Bosch),
637–638, 637
Garden of Eden, 31, 424, 638
Garden of Love(Rubens),25-3A
Gardens: English picturesque vs. Continental
G ard n e r, A l ex a n de r, 8 1 7
Gardner, Isabella Stewart, 933
Garnier, Charles, 31-31A;work of, 812, 812
Gas Station, The(Segal),36-24A
Gate of All Lands, 48
Gates of Hell, The(Rodin),31-32A
Gates of Paradise (Ghiberti), 548–549,548,
Gateway of the Sun, 385, 385
Gattamelata(Donatello), 551,551,552,
577, 629
Gaucher de Reims, 18-23A
Gaudi, Antonio:work of, 848, 848
Gauguin, Paul,831,840,841,847,851,911,
913, 916, 918,35-2A, 35-4A, 35-6A;
Japanese art and, 829; Oceania and, 872;
Symbolism and, 839; work of, 835–836,
835, 836
Gaulli, Giovanni Battista:work of,
664–665, 664
Gauls, 155, 239, 544, 810; defeat of, 147,
Gayumars, King (Iran), 359
Gehry, Frank,1025; on architectural design/
materials, 1012; work of, 1012–1013, 1012
Gelduinus, Bernardus,436, 457,17-22A;
work of, 436
Gellée, Claude.SeeClaude Lorrain
Geneva, Cathedral of Saint Peter, 536
Genghis Khan, 353, 355, 358, 791
Genius of Christianity, The(Chateaubriand),
782, 810
Genius of Fontainebleau(Cellini),22-51A
Genji, Prince, 217
Gentile da Fabriano,559, 604; work of,
552–553, 552
Gentileschi, Artemisia, 25-14A;work of,
Geometric art, 102, 122, 155, 243
Geometric period, 100–105
George, Saint, 327, 492, 546, 608; icon of, 326
George III, King, 763
George IV, King, 811
George Grosz: A Survey of His Art from
1918–1938(exhibit), 953
George Washington(Greenough), 774, 774
George Washington(Houdon), 773, 773
Georges Pompidou National Center for Art
and Culture (“Beaubourg”) (Rogers and
Piano), 1011,1011,36-63B
Gerhard of Cologne:work of, 489–490,
489, 490

Events of the Heiji Period,220, 221;
illustration from, 220
Evidence in art history, types of, 2–3
Eweka II, shrine of, 896–897, 896
Ewer in the form of a bird (Sulayman), 350
Ewers, 350, 350
Exekias,114–115; work of,115,5-21A
Existentialism, 970, 971
Experiment on a Bird in the Air-Pump, An
(Wright of Derby),29-10A
Experimentalism, 575
Exposition des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels
Modernes, 964
Exposition Universelle, 799, 809, 829, 920
Expressionism, 832, 848, 911, 916, 918;
postwar, 970–972
Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden
(Masaccio), 554–555,555,22-19A

Faiyum district, mummy portraits from,
275, 276
Fall of Icarus(Pieter Bruegel the Elder),
Fall of Man (Adam and Eve)(Dürer),624,
629, 638, 639, 647,23-3A
Fall of Man(Michelangelo),22-19A
Fall of the Giants from Mount Olympus
(Giulio Romano),22-53A
Fall of the Rebel Angels(Beccafumi),22-42A
Fallingwater.SeeKaufmann House
False Mirror, The(Magritte),35-50A
Family of Charles IV(Goya), 786, 787
Family of Country People(Le Nain), 694, 694
Family of Saltimbanques(Picasso),35-11A
Fan Kuan,200, 205, 727,7-24A;work of,
180,197, 197
Fang: art of, 890–892; bieri of, 891,891, 907
Fantastic Art, Dada, Surrealism(MoMA
exhibition), 954
Farnese Herakles(Lysippos), 139–140, 139
Fate of the Animals(Marc), 916, 916
Fatimids, 342, 363
Faustina the Elder, 239, 272, 273
Fauves and Fauvism, 833, 911, 913, 914, 921,
948, 967
Feast of Herod(Donatello), 546–547, 546
Feast of Saint Nicholas(Steen), 689, 689
Feast of the Gods(Bellini and Titian),
605–606,605, 608
Feather cloaks, 884, 884
Federal Arts Project,35-36A
Federico da Montefeltro, 572, 577, 585,
21-42A;patronage by, 570; Piero della
Francesca and, 571
Feminist art, 989–993, 996, 1025
Feminist movement, 970, 994, 1025
Femmages, 991
Feng, Lady, 190, 191, 191
Fengxian Temple, 193
Fenollosa, Ernest, 746
Ferdinand, King, 341, 597, 643, 644
Ferdinand VII, King, 786, 788
Fetus and Lining of the Uterus, The
(Leonardo), 583, 583
Feudalism, 431, 519
Fibula, 224, 408; with orientalizing lions, 224
Ficino, Marsilio,23-5A
Ficoroni Cista(Plautios), 232,232,9-13A
Fidenza Cathedral, 452, 453
Figure with Meat(Bacon),36-3A
Figures, relative size of, 10
Fin-de-siècle, 842
Finding and Proving of the True Cross
(Piero della Francesca),21-43B
Fine art, 2
First Emperor (China), 184–185, 195; army
of, 185,186,205, 210; Jing Ke and, 187

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