Gardners Art through the Ages A Global History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 1085

Signorelli, Luca,596; work of, 569–570, 570
Silk, 188; painting on, 190; printing on, 982;
textiles, 350, 350
Silk Road, 187, 188, 192, 205, 350
Silla kingdom, 202, 209
Silueta (Silhouettes)(Mendieta), 992
Silverpoint, 528, 581
Simmons Architects:work of, 1009, 1009
Simpson, Lorna,1025; work of, 995,995, 999
Sinan the Great,358, 359; Mosque of Selim
II and, 354, 363; work of, 354,354, 355
Sipán tomb, ear ornament from, 384–385, 384
Siphnian Treasury, 113, 133, 148,5-18A;
frieze detail from,113;reconstruction
drawing of, 113
Sistine Chapel, 569, 577, 584, 597, 658, 675;
ceiling of,578, 597;cleaning, 595,595;
frescoes at, 504; interior of,593;Michel-
angelo and, 593–594
Sitani, Mele:work of,881, 882
Site-specific art, 1002–1016, 1025
Six canons of painting(Xie He), 191
Six Dynasties period (China), 188, 193
Sixth Avenue and Thirtieth Street, New York
City(Sloan),932, 933
Sixth Chan Patriarch Chopping Bamboo
(Liang Kai), 201
Sixtus IV, Pope, 568, 569,21-40A
Sixtus V, Pope, 649, 650, 651
Skara Brae, Scotland: house,1-19A
Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill (SOM):
work of, 1006, 1006
Skopas of Paros,140, 149,5-64A, 5-71A;
work of, 138–139
Skyscrapers, 849, 851, 938, 965, 1006
Slave Ship, The (Slavers Throwing Overboard
the Dead and Dying, Typhoon Coming On)
(Turner), 795,795, 796
Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters, The
(Goya), 786, 786
Sleeping Eros (from Rhodes),5-84A
Sleeping Gypsy(Rousseau), 840,840, 851
Sleeping satyr (Barberini Faun), 150
Sloan, John,933–934; work of, 932
Sluter, Claus,539; work of, 520,521,20-2A
Smith, David:work of, 978–979, 978
Smith, Kiki:work of, 994, 994
Smith, Tony,1025; work of,978, 979
Smithson, Robert:work of, 1014–1015, 1014
Snake Goddess,88–89, 89
Soapstone monoliths, 401–402, 401
Social Contract(Rousseau), 784
Social History of the State of Missouri, A
(Benton), 958
Société des Artistes Indépendants, 823
Sociopolitical art, 994–1002
Sokkuram cave temple (Korea), 202–203
Soldier emperors, 278–280, 287
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (Wright),
1002–1003,1003,1005, 1025; Barney
exhibit at, 1024; Holzer exhibit at, 1023
SOM.SeeSkidmore, Owings, and Merrill
Song dynasty, 170, 196–202, 205, 218, 721,
722, 731; fall of, 719, 733
Song Su-Nam,733; work of, 732, 732
Sony Building.SeeAT&T
Sorel, Agnès, 480, 534
S.O.S.-Starification Object Series(Wilke),
993, 993
Sotatsu, Tawaraya:work of,28-10A
Soufflot, Jacques-Germain:work of, 770, 770
South America: indigenous art of, 380–386,
391, 858–860, 869; map of, 379
South Asia: art of, 157, 717; map of,158, 706;
sculpture of, 159
South Cross, Ahenny, Ireland,16-9A
Southeast Asia: art of, 157, 174–178,
713–716, 717; map of,158, 706

Southern School (China), 727, 732.See also
Northern School
Southern Song period, 196, 199, 200, 205,
720.See alsoNorthern Song period
Southwest: art of, 861–862, 869; cultures of,
Southworth, Albert Sands,819; work of,
816, 816
Space, in art, 7–8
Spain: Muslims in,13-14A, 17-13B,
Spanish art styles: Baroque, 665–671; Roman-
esque, 433–443; Romantic, 786–793
Spanish Habsburgs, 666, 675
“Specific Objects” art essay (Judd), 979
Speyer Cathedral, 446–447, 454, 459, 462;
interior of, 446
Sphinx, Great, 61
Spiral Jetty(Smithson), 1014–1015, 1014
Splashed-ink style, 737,737,738, 749
Split, Palace of Diocletian, 281–282,282,
Spoils of Jerusalem, 263
Spring Fresco,86,87, 230
Squinches, in architecture, 315, 315
Sri Lanka, art of, 174
Stag hunt (Gnosis),140, 141
Stained-glass windows, 460, 464, 469, 471,
495, 713; described, 11, 472; favrile, 848
Staircase (Horta), 847
Stalks of Bamboo by a Rock(Wu), 721, 721
Standard of Ur,36–38,2-6A
Stanza d’Eliodoro, 586
Stanza della Segnatura, 586, 587, 595
Starry Night(van Gogh), 834,835,851, 954,
Statues, 17, 31, 35; block, 71–72,3-37A;
liberating, 10, 11
Stave church, 410, 411
Steen, Jan:work of, 689, 689
Steerage, The(Stieglitz), 938,939,35-39A
Stein, Gertrude and Leo, 918,918,919,35-2A
Steiner House, Vienna (Loos),35-72A
Stele of the Vultures,33, 36, 36
Stella, Frank,1025; work of, 976, 976
Stephen, Saint, 433, 534, 646
Stepped Pyramid (Imhotep), 57,58,60, 369
Stereo Styles(Simpson), 995, 995
Stevens, Frederick W.:work of, 712–713, 712
Stieglitz, Alfred,937, 938, 967,35-34A,
35-40A;the Steins and, 918; work of,
938–939,939,35-39A, 35-40A
Still, Clyfford:Post-Painterly Abstraction
and, 978; work of, 1, 1xvi, 978
Still Life in Studio(Daguerre),815, 816
Still-life painting, 4, 253, 679, 760, 838, 851,
986; Dutch, 689–691; Fourth Style, 253
Still Life with a Late Ming Ginger Jar(Kalf ),
690, 690
Still Life with Chair-Caning(Picasso), 922,
Still Life with Flowers, Goblet, Dried Fruit,
and Pretzels(Peeters),678, 679
Still Life with Game Fowl(Sánchez Cotán),
Stirling, James:work of,36-63A
Stoa of Attalos II, 146, 147
Stoa Poikile, 135, 146
Stoas, 100, 135, 146, 147, 147
Stölzl, Gunta:work of,35-73A
Stone Age art, 16, 17
Stone Breakers, The(Courbet), 798, 798
Stonehenge, 28, 29,1-19A;aerial view of, 28
Stoneware, 196, 722
Store, The(Oldenburg), 985, 985
Stoss, Veit:work of, 534–535, 535
Stourhead, England, park at (Flitcroft and

Strasbourg Cathedral, 490–491; tympanum
at, 491, 491
Strawberry Hill, Twickenham, England
(Walpole and others),29-26A
Street, Dresden(Kirchner), 914, 914
Stuart, James,775; work of, 771, 771
Stupas, 162, 199, 714, 715, 717; described, 163
Stuttgart: Hysolar Institute, 1011,1011,1012;
Neue Staatsgalerie,36-63A
Style, in art history, 6, 12, 22; questions
about, 3–5
Subjects, in art history, 4–5
Suger, Abbot, 465,18-2A;lux novaand, 460,
471, 472; Saint-Denis and, 462–464, 466,
493, 494, 495
Sui dynasty, 192, 195
Suicide of Judas(Gislebertus),17-12A
Sukhothai kingdom (Thailand), 713, 714, 717
Sulayman:work of, 350, 350
Suleyman the Magnificent, 354,13-20A;
tughra of,13-20A
Sullivan, Louis Henry,851, 965, 1006,
35-72A;work of, 849–850,850,31-40A
Sultan-Muhammad:work of, 359, 359
Sultanate of Delhi, 174, 342, 705–706, 717
Sumer, 44; decline of, 41; narrative art of, 34,
50; resurgence of, 43; treasures of, 32–38
Summer Trees(Song Su-Nam), 732, 732
Summer’s Day(Morisot),31-7A
Sunday on La Grande Jatte, A(Seurat), 823,
832, 833,833,839,31-26A
Supermarket Shopper(Hanson), 987, 987
Superrealism, 985–987, 989, 1025
Supper Party(van Honthorst), 680, 681
Suprematism, 948–950, 961, 967,35-54A
Suprematist Composition: Airplane Flying
(Malevich), 948, 949
Surrealism, 943–948, 1017,31-25A, 35-50A,
36-21A;Biomorphic, 943, 952, 967, 980,
36-5A;Dada and, 943, 944; impact of,
945; Natural, 943, 960, 967; Pop, 1010;
psychic automatism of, 973
Surrender of Breda(Velázquez), 667–668,
669, 679
Surrounded Islands 1980-83(Christo and
Jeanne-Claude), 1015,1015, 1025
Suryavarman II, 176, 177; detail of, 177
Susa, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48
Susa, Iran: beaker from,2-1A
Sutton Hoo ship burial, 408–410; belt buckle
from,16-3A;purse cover from, 409
Suzhou gardens, 723,723, 724,725, 733
Swing, The(Fragonard),750,756–757
Sydney Opera House (Utzon), 47, 1005,
1005, 1010
Sylvester, John Henr y :work of, 13, 13
Symbolism, 806, 822, 838–843, 847, 851,
867, 960; Art Nouveau and, 841; religious,
522, 524, 632; subjectivism of, 839
Symbols, in art, 4–5
Symptom(Tsuchiya), 748
Synagogue paintings, 290–291,290, 291
Synthetic Cubism, 922, 937, 955,35-36A;
influence of, 935, 936; Purism and,

Ta Te l e(Piula),904, 905
Tada, Nigeria: seated man from,15-6B
Taharqo, sphinx of, 77
Tahiti: Gauguin and, 836; tattooing in, 883
Tahmasp, Shah, and carpet weaving, 360,
363, 707
Tainan teahouse (Rikyu), 736, 740, 742;
interior of, 740
Taizokai (Womb World) mandara, 215,
215, 221
Taj Mahal, 342,704,710, 717; aerial view
of, 710

Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror
Self-Portrait Looking at the Last Supper
Self-Portrait with Amber Necklace
Self-Portrait with Two Pupils(Labille-
Selim II, 355, 359; mosque of, 354
Senefelder, Alois: lithography and, 801
Senmut, 67; statue of, 71–72, 71
Sennuwy, Lady: statue of,3-17A
Sensation: Young British Artists from the
Saatchi Collection(exhibition), 996, 997
Senufo culture (Africa), 907; art of, 899–901
Senusret I,3-17A
Senusret III: fragmentary head of, 65,65;
tomb of, 66
Septimus Severus, 239, 254, 276; chariot
procession of,277;portrait of, 276
Serapeum, 269, 269
Serpent Mound, 388, 389, 389
Serra, Richard,996; work of, 1016, 1016
Serrano, Andres, 996
Sesshu Toyo,739, 749; work of, 737, 737
Seurat, Georges,823, 831,36-11A;pointil-
lism and, 851; work of, 832–833, 833
Seven Wonders, 47, 48, 51, 59, 79
Severans, 276–278, 282; Late Antique style
and, 287; portraiture of, 276
Severe Style, 120, 123
Severini, Gino,927; work of, 928, 928
Severus,275; work of, 258–259, 259
Severus Alexander, 239, 278
Sforza family, 570, 580, 584, 611,21-42A
Shah Tahmasp(Banu),26-4A
Shahi Mosque, 357; winter prayer hall of, 356
Shahn, Ben,967; work of, 4,4, 955
Shahnama (Book of Kings), 359
Shaka triad (Tori Busshi), 212, 212
Shakyamuni Buddha, 161, 174; statue of,
188, 190,190,192,192,203, 204
Shamash, 30, 33, 43
Shang dynasty, 181–184, 205; art of, 182–183
Shang Xi,727; work of, 725, 725
Shapur I: 50, 50
Shchukin, Sergei, 918, 948
Sheep and Goat(Zhao Mengfu),27-2A
Shen Zhou:work of, 726,726,727,27-11A
Sherman, Cindy,992, 995, 1025; work of,
991, 991
Shield Jaguar,364, 375
Shield Jaguar and Lady Xoc, 364
Shinto, 210, 212, 748; described, 211
Shiraga, Kazuo:work of, 1017–1018, 1017
Shitao (Daoji),733,27-18A;work of,
728–729, 728
Shiva, 168, 170, 171, 172, 175, 712; dancing,
169;as Lord of Beasts, 160; as Lord of the
Dance, 173,173;as Mahadeva, 169–170,
169;as Nataraja, 173–174, 173
Shiva Vishnu, 175,175, 176
Shop Block (Gropius), 962, 962
Short History of Modernist Painting, A
(Tansey), 1001–1002, 1001
Showa period (Japan), 746–748
Shrine of the Three Kings(Nicholas of
Verdun), 494, 494
Shunga dynasty, 162, 179
Shunjobo Chogen, 218; portrait statue of,
219,219, 221
Siena, 502, 765,19-16A;art of, 505, 507–513;
Palazzo Pubblico, 510–513,511,517,
19-16A, 21-43A
Siena Cathedral, 507, 508,19-12A;altar for,
510; Duccio di Buoninsegna and, 506
Signboard of Gersaint(Watteau),29-5A

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