Gardners Art through the Ages A Global History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
1086 Index

Temple of Trajan, 264
Temple of Venus, Baalbek, 280, 282,29-27A;
plan of, 281
Temple of Venus and Roma,238, 269
Temple of Vesta, 240, 240
Temple of Zeus, 119–120, 140; east pediment
of, 119,119, 120;metope from, 120, 120
Temple plans, Greek, 109, 109
Temple-pyramids, 372, 855
Temptation of Saint Anthony
(Grünewald), 626
Ten Commandments, 33, 321, 632, 634
Tenochtitlán: founding of,32-3A;Great
Temple, 855,855,856, 857, 869
Teotihuacan, 366, 368–370, 373, 376, 391,
856; aerial view of,369;Av e n u e o f t h e
Dead, 368,369,370; ball game and, 372;
Citadel, 368,369,370,370;colonies of,
370; expansion of, 370; fall of, 853; murals
at, 370,14-7A;Preclassic scheme at, 368;
Pyramid of the Moon, 368, 369,369,
35-67A;Pyramid of the Sun, 368, 369,
369,35-67A;Temple of Quetzalcoatl,
370, 370
ter Brugghen, Hendrick:work of, 679, 679
Teresa of Avila, Saint, 654, 666
Terracotta army, Lintong, 185–186,186,
205, 210
Tetrarchs, 283; Diocletian and, 280–282;
portraits of, 281; statues of, 287
Textiles, 2, 12, 350, 386
Texture, in art, 7
Thailand, art of, 713–715
Thanjavur, Rajarajeshvara Temple, 171,
172, 173
Thankful Poor, The(Tanner), 808, 808
Theater of Epidauros (Polykleitos the
Younger), 143, 143
Theodolus, Saint, 450
Theodora, 319; Justinian and, 317, 320; life
of, 320; mosaic of,319;portrait of, 332
Theodore, Saint, 327, 476, 546; icon of,326;
statue of, 473
Theodoric, 301, 303, 316, 407; equestrian
statue of, 419; palace-church of, 320;
portrait of, 416–417; Ravenna and, 315
Theodoros of Phokaia,tholos of, 143, 143
Theodosius I, 301, 304, 311; Christianity and,
309, 312
Theologyfresco (Raphael), 586
Theophanu, 450; Otto II and, 427, 429,
16-28A;story of, 428
Theotokópoulos, Doménikos.SeeEl Greco
Theotokos, 322, 327–328,327, 328,329,332,
333, 335, 445, 465, 471, 492; icon of,326;
mosaic of, 339
Theotokos, Hagia Sophia, 327–328, 327
Theotokos and Child,332, 471
Theravada Buddhism, 161, 174, 178, 713,
714, 717
Theseus, King (Athens), 114, 128, 608;
Minotaur and, 84, 85
Thessaloniki, Greece: Saint Catherine,
12-30A;Saint George (Hagios Georgios),
Third-Class Carriage(Daumier), 802
Third Dynasty of Ur, 51; Akkad and, 39–42;
Elamites and, 43
Third of May, 1808(Goya), 786,787,788,
801, 928
Third Style, 250, 252, 253, 287, 766;
described, 251; wall paintings in, 250
Thirteen Emperors, The(Yan Liben),194,
195, 205
Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji
(Hokusai), 745
Thirty Years’ War, 666, 673, 694
This Is Tomorrow(exhibition), 982

Tholos, 143,143, 249,270, 598; beehive-
shaped, 241; temples, 240, 250; tombs,
93,93,97, 228, 300
Thomas, Saint: doubting of,17-9A
Three angels (Rublyev), 338, 338
Three Flags(Johns),36-21A
Three Kingdoms period (Korea), 202, 210
Three Musicians(Picasso),35-18A
Three revelers (Euthymides), 116
Three Women (Le Grand Déjeuner) (Léger),
Three Women in a Village Church(Leibl),
805, 805
Thutmose:bust by, 74, 74
Thutmose I,3-20A
Thutmose I, II, III, 68, 70, 71, 276,3-12B
Ti, 72; relief of,64;tomb of, 64,65, 73
Tiepolo, Giambattista,775; work of,756,
Tiffany, Louis Comfort:work of, 848, 848
Tiffany Studios, 848
Tiger Hunt(Delacroix), 792–793, 792
Tikal, 376; Great Plaza, 373; Temple I
(Temple of the Giant Jaguar), 373, 373
Tilework, Islamic cuerda seca, 356, 357, 363
Tilted Arc(Serra), 996, 1016, 1016
Timgad, 264; aerial view of, 264
Timur (Tamerlane), 358, 707
Timurids, 358, 359, 363
Tinguely, Jean, 36-26B;work of,
1019–1020, 1019
Tintoretto (Jacopo Robusti),646,23-25A;
work of, 615–616, 615
Tiryns citadel, 91–92, 97, 105; aerial view of,
90;corbelled gallery in,91,94; plan of,92;
vaulted gallery in, 94
Titian (Tiziano Vecelli),616,623, 646, 658,
668, 674, 691, 783,35-2A;Isabella and,
611; linear perspective and, 547; Palma il
Giovane on, 609; work of,605, 606,
607–611,607, 608, 609, 610, 611,22-39A
Titus, 154, 239, 260; Colosseum and, 261;
Temple of Solomon and, 342; triumph
of, 262–263
Tivoli: Hadrian’s Villa, 269,269;Temple of
Vesta, 240, 240
Tiwanaku, 380, 391; Gateway to the Sun,
385, 385
Tiye (Egyptian queen), head of, 74, 74
Tlaloc, 855, 856, 869
Tlingit (Alaska), 863; blankets, 866; masks,
864, 865
Todaiji temple, 214,214,218, 221,8-16A
To h a k u , H a s e g a w a :work of, 739–740, 739
Tokugawa rulers, 738, 741, 742, 743, 746, 749
Toledo, Juan Bautista de:work of, 645, 645
Toltecs, 366, 378–379, 853
Tomb of Emperor Nintoku, 209, 209
Tomb of Hunting and Fishing, 230, 230
Tomb of Nebamun, 72–73, 72
Tomb of Nintoku, 209
Tomb of the Diver, 136–137,136, 230
Tomb of the Leopards,222,229–230,229,
Tomb of the Reliefs, interior of, 229
Tomb of the Shields and Chairs, 228,228,
229, 247,9-7A
Tomb of the Triclinium, Tarquinia,9-9A
Tomb of Ti, Saqqara, 64,64, 65
Tomb of Tutankhamen, 75–77, 76
Tomb of Yongtai, 195, 195
Tomb 100, 54–55, 55
Tombs: Renaissance vs. Gothic,21-1A
Tommaso Portinari and Maria Baroncelli
Tonality, in art, 7
Tonga culture, 881–883
To r h a l l e , L o r s c h , G e r m a n y,16-20A

To r i B u s s h i ,213, 221; work of, 212, 212
Tornabuoni family, 558, 559, 568, 611
Totem poles, 865,865, 869
Toulouse, 432; Saint-Sernin church,
434–435,434, 436,437, 439, 445, 446,
447, 452
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de,831,35-11A;
Japanese art and, 829; work of, 831–832,
Tournachon, Gaspar-Félix.SeeNadar
Tournus, France: Saint-Philibert,17-2A
Tower of Babel, 33, 47, 48, 348
Trade (Gifts for Trading Land with White
People)(Quick-to-See Smith), 998, 998
Traini, Francesco:work of, 514–515, 515
Trajan, 238, 239, 245, 263–267, 282, 283, 287,
323,10-48A;on Column of Trajan,
10-44B;forum of, 422; market hall of,
285; statue of,264, 273
Trajan Decius, 239, 280, 291; portraits of,
278, 279
Trans World Airlines terminal (Saarinen),
1004, 1005
Transfiguration of Christ, 296, 322,322,
325, 412
Travelers among Mountains and Streams
(Fan Kuan),180, 197,200; described, 197
Treachery (or Perfidy) of Images, The
(Magritte), 946,946,35-50A, 36-21A
Treasures of Ancient Nigeria(exhibition), 1002
Treasury of Atreus, 93–94,93,97, 228, 241;
vault of tholos of, 93
Treasury of Petra, 280
Treatise on Painting(Leonardo), 588
Treaty of Westphalia, 649, 673, 703; Europe
after, 674 (map)
Trebonianus Gallus, 239, 278; portrait of, 279
Trés Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, Les
(Limbourg brothers), 532–533, 533
Tribute Money(Masaccio), 554, 554
Trier, Aula Palatina, 285,285, 289
Triforium, 467–468,467, 469,471, 474, 487,
490, 495; described, 469
Trinity Church, New York (Upjohn),30-44B
Triptychs, 333, 510, 536, 637, 639, 675
Tr i u m p h o f B a c c h u s(Carracci), 658
Tr i u m p h o f D e a t h(Traini or Buffalmaccio),
514–515, 515
Triumph of Shapur I over Valerian, 50
Triumph of the Barberini(Pietro da
Cortona), 663, 663
Triumph of the Name of Jesus(Gaulli), 664
Triumph of Titus, 263
Triumph of Venice(Veronese), 616, 617
Trobriand Islands, 879, 887; art of, 877–878
Tr o j a n Wa r,5-21A
Tropical Garden II(Nevelson), 980, 980
True Artist Helps the World by Revealing
Mystic Tr uths(Nauman), 1020–1021, 1020
Trumeau, 440,440,453, 475; described, 439
Tsuchiya Kimio:work of, 748, 748
Tu b , T h e(Degas), 829–830, 829
Tula (Toltec capital), 857; destruction of,
854–855; Pyramid B, 378,379;statue-
columns of, 378, 379
Tumulus, 209,209,210, 228,228, 408
Turin: Cappella della Santissima Sindone,
24-14A;Palazzo Carignano,24-9A
Turner, Joseph Mallord William,765, 796,
819; work of, 794–795, 795
Tuscany, Romanesque art and society in,
223, 448, 450, 509, 514, 662
Tutankhamen, 31; coffin of,75;mask of,52,
94; tomb of, 75–77
Twelve Views from a Thatched Hut(Xia Gui),
Tw i l i g h t i n t h e W i l d e r n e s s(Church),
797–798, 797

Tajín, Pyramid of the Niches, 376, 376
Takahashi Yuichi:work of, 746, 746
Talbot, William Henry Fox, photographic
process, 814, 815, 819
Tale of Genji(Murasaki Shikubu), 216–217,
217,218, 219, 221
Ta m a y o , R u fi n o :work of,35-67A
Ta m b o(Edwards), 995–996, 995
Tang China, map of, 182
Tang dynasty, 170, 189, 192–196, 205, 722;
ceramic sculpture of, 195–196, 203
Tangaroa (Polynesian god), 882,882, 887
Ta n g e K e n z o ,749; work of, 746–747, 747
Ta n n e r, H e n r y O s s a w a ,956; work of,
808, 808
Ta n s e y, M a r k :work of, 1001–1002, 1001
Tapa (Tongan textile), 881, 882
Tapestries, 386,386,391,456,457, 459, 752;
described, 456
Tarquinia, 224, 227, 232, 233, 235;
Monterozzi necropolis,9-9A;murals, 230;
tombs, 229, 230
Tarquinius Superbus, 226, 227, 231, 239
Ta r v i s i u m ,woodcut of (Wolgemut), 536,
537, 538
Tassel House, Brussels (Horta),31-36A
Tatanua masks, 877,877, 887
Tatlin, Vladimir,949,35-54A;work of,
960–961, 961
Ta t t o o(Rothenberg), 988, 988
Tattooing, 13,13,882, 883,883,886, 988, 988
Tawhiri-Matea(Whiting), 886, 886
Te Hau-ki-Turanga meetinghouse,33-20A
Te P e h i K u p e ,13, 883; work of, 13, 13
Te Whanau-A-Apanui.SeeWhiting, Cliff
Tea ceremony, Japanese, 740, 749
Teahouses, 740, 742
Technique, in art, 6
Teerlinc, Levina,641,641, 647
Tegea, Greece: head from,5-64A
Tellus, 256, 263, 618
Tempera paint, 522, 523
Te m p e s t , T h e(Giorgione),606,607, 623,
Tempietto (“Little Temple”) (Bramante),
597–599,598,603, 623,22-31A
Temple A, 105,105, 112
Temple of Amen-Re, 70–71,70,78; model
of, 71
Temple of Aphaia, 117–118,117,119, 149;
dying warrior from,118;model of,117;
plan of,117;restored view of, 117
Temple of Apollo (Paionios of Ephesos and
Daphnis of Miletos), 145–146,145,155;
plan of, 145
Temple of Artemis, 48, 112, 230; west
pediment of, 112
Temple of Athena, 146
Temple of Athena Nike (Kallikrates), 126,
126,133,133,134; capitals at, 144
Temple of Athena Parthenos, 126
Temple of Fortuna Virilis,238,239, 240
Temple of Hatshepsut, 67–68, 67
Temple of Hera, Olympia, 109, 137–138
Temple of Hera I, Paestum, 111,111,117,
126; plan of, 111
Temple of Hera II, Paestum, 111, 119, 119
Temple of Horus, 78,78, 79
Temple of Jupiter (Capitolium),244,245, 282
Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, 237
Temple of Portunus,238,239, 240
Temple of Quetzalcoatl, 370, 370
Temple of Ramses II, 68–69, 69
Temple of Solomon, 262, 263, 313, 342
Temple of the Giant Jaguar, 373, 373
Temple of the Inscriptions, Palenque,
Temple of the Sun, 859,859, 860

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