Gardners Art through the Ages A Global History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 1087

of, 525, 526, 539; work of,518,522,
524–526,524, 525,20-5A
van Gogh, Vincent,831, 847, 850, 851, 911,
913, 914, 954, 982,31-16A, 35-2A, 35-4A,
35-6A, 35-10A;Japanese art and, 829,
28-13A;letters by, 833, 834; Symbolism
and, 839; work of, 833–834,834, 835,
31-11A, 31-16A
van Hemessen, Caterina,528, 647; work of,
641, 641
van Honthorst, Gerrit,679, 695–696; work
of, 680, 681
van Ruisdael, Jacob,693, 703; work of, 686,
687, 688
Vanbrugh, Sir John, 29-2A;work of,
Vanitas paintings, 690, 816, 985,29-5A
Va n i t a s S t i l l L i f e(Claesz), 690, 690
Vannucci, Pietro.SeePerug ino
Vapheio: drinking cup from,4-23A
Vasari, Giorgio,197, 522, 583, 590, 639,
660, 767,19-8A;on Gothic art, 461;
on Masaccio, 554; work of, 503, 611, 618
Vases: bilingual, 115,115;black-figure, 155;
painted, 97, 104, 114–115, 134, 155;
temple,722;tomb, 104, 114, 227
Vatican City, 586; map of,651;Scala Regia,
652,653; Sistine Chapel, 504, 569, 577,
578,584, 593–594,593,595,595,597,
597,658, 675
Vatican Hill, 298
Va t i c a n Ve r g i l ,304; folio from, 305
Vaults, 50, 91–92, 94,444;barrel (tunnel),
241,241,245, 260, 285, 302, 443, 445–446,
459, 488, 505, 573, 653; concrete, 241;
corbeled, 28; described, 11; fan, 488, 495;
Gothic, 464, 1005,17-2A, 17-2B;groin
(cross), 241,241,266, 278, 435, 446,446,
447,447,454, 455, 459; nave, 454, 455,
459, 471; rib, 454, 455, 464,464,467, 469,
487, 488, 489, 495; Romanesque, 464;
sexpartite, 454, 468
Vecelli, Tiziano.SeeTitian
Vedic period, 160, 168
Veduta painting, 765, 775
Vegetable seller, funerary relief of, 271, 271
Velázquez, Diego,679, 685, 786, 787, 807,
36-3A;Philip IV and, 667, 668, 669, 671;
work of, 667–670,667, 669, 670,24-27A
Venetian painting, 604–611, 657
Venice, 502; architecture of, 602–604; art of,
514–516, 607; commission from, 551;
Doge’s Palace, 515–516,515,616, 765;
independence of, 331, 602; Palazzo
Contarini,21-46A;press in, 541;
Renaissance art and, 623; Saint Mark’s,
281, 330–331,331,332, 336, 451; San
Giorgio Maggiore, 603–604,603,616;
Villa Rotonda,602,603–604, 770, 773
Ve n t u r i , R o b e r t ,1008; work of, 1010, 1010
Venus, 254, 255, 256, 275, 560, 610, 677, 819,
974; Cupid and, 613–614
Ve n u s , C u p i d , F o l l y, a n d T i m e(Bronzino),
613–614, 613
Ve n u s d e M i l o(Alexandros of Antioch-on-
the-Meander), 150–151,150, 780
Venus of Urbino(Titian), 610,610, 623
Ve n u s o f W i l l e n d o r f ,17–18,17,25, 29,36-26B
Veracruz, Classic, 366, 375–376
Veranda post (Olowe), 898, 898
Verism, 242
Ve r m e e r , J a n ,703; work of,672,688–689,
688,25-19A, 25-19B
Veronese (Paolo Caliari),618; work of, 616,
616, 617
Verrocchio, Andrea del,577, 590, 591, 629,
653, 654; Leonardo and, 580; work of,
549–550,550,551–552, 551

Versailles, Palace at, 725, 751, 752, 755, 770,
29-2A;aerial view of,698;Galerie des
Glaces, 698,699,752,753;Grotto of
Thetis, 699; Hall of Mirrors, 698,699,752,
753;Louis XIV and, 698, 703; park of
(Le Nôtre), 698–699, 700,700,29-27A;
Royal Chapel, 700, 700
Ve r t u e , R o b e r t a n d W i l l i a m :work of,
488, 488
Vespasian, 239, 260, 262; Colosseum and,
261; portrait of, 261
Vesta (Hestia), 101, 129, 129
Veteran in a New Field(Winslow Homer),
806,806, 818
Vézelay, La Madeleine church, 441–442,441,
17-13A, 18-44A
Via Dino Compagni Catacomb, Via Latina,
Victoria Terminus, Bombay (Stevens),
712–713,712, 717
Victory, portrayal in art, 323, 324, 663, 783
Video images, 1017, 1021, 1025
Vie Inquiète (Uneasy Life)(Dubuffet), 971, 971
Vienna: Holocaust Memorial,36-62A;
Karlskirche,29-25A;Steiner House,
Vienna Dioskorides,324–325,325, 327
Vienna Genesis,304–306, 309,11-20A
Vierzehnheiligen church (Neumann):
interior of,754;plan of, 754, 754
Vietnam Veterans Memorial (Lin),
1006–1008,1007, 1014
Vietnam Women’s Memorial Project, 1007
Vietnamese art, 715–716
View of Delft(Vermeer),25-19A
View of Haarlem from the Dunes at Overveen
(van Ruisdael), 686,687,688, 693
View of Toledo(El Greco ),23-25A
Vigée-Lebrun, Élisabeth Louise:work of,
Vignon, Pierre,819; work of, 780, 780
Vignory, 435; Saint-Étienne church,
433–434,433, 436
Vijayanagar Empire, 706–707, 717
Vikings, 332, 408, 422, 457, 459; art of, 410,
429; ship burial, Oseberg, Norway,16-4A
Villa at the Seaside(Morisot),826, 827
Villa of Agrippa Postumus, 251; wall
painting at, 250
Villa of Livia, 250, 255; wall painting at, 250
Villa of Publius Fannius Synistor, 248, 250;
cubiculum M of, 249
Villa of the Mysteries, 248, 263; wall painting
at, 249
Villa Rotonda (Palladio),602,603–604, 770,
773; plan of, 602
Villa Savoye (Le Corbusier), 964,964, 1004
Village Bride(Greuze), 761, 761
Vimana, 171, 172, 179
Viola, Bill,1025; work of, 1022, 1022
Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène,810–811; work of,
479, 479
Vir Heroicus Sublimis(Newman),974, 975
Virgin and Child, 327–328,327,335,335,
445,445,471,471, 478,485,485, 507,534,
534,557,557,580,580,581,581,604, 604
Virgin and Child, Hagia Sophia, 327–328, 327
Virg in and Child(Fouquet), 534
Virgin and Child Enthroned with the Saints
(Duccio di Buoninsegna), 507
Virgin Mary, 296, 297,20-5A;Annunciation
and, 338, 556, 842; ascension of, 330, 535,
607; church dedicated to, 301, 322, 324;
Crucifixion and, 308, 330; cult of, 465;
death of, 490; icon of,326, 337;immacu-
late conception of,24-25A;portrayal of,
413, 997; Saint Joseph and, 584; as Virgin
of Compassion, 335

Virgin of Jeanne d’Evreux,484–485, 485
Virg in of Par is,478,478,485,20-2A
Virgin with Saints and Angels(Memling), 531
Vishnu, 168, 169, 170,170,171, 175, 177, 711;
boar avatar of,168;reclining, 176,176;
temple, 170,170,176, 179
Vishvanatha Temple, 171,172,173, 176, 179;
Mithuna reliefs at,173;plan of, 172
Visigoths, 301, 348, 407, 415; architecture of,
349, 429; Christianity and, 415
Vision after the Sermon,or Jacob Wrestling
with the Angel(Gauguin), 835–836, 835
Visitationgroup, Reims Cathedral, 476, 477,
477, 490
Vitalis, Saint, 316, 318
Vitra Fire Station, Weil-am-Rhein, Germany
Vitruvian Man(Leonardo da Vinci),22-3A
Vitruvius, 144, 566, 567, 577, 588, 602, 770;
De architectura,22-3A;Etruscan temple
and, 225; Parthenon and, 127
Vladimir Virgin,335, 335
Voltaire (François Marie Arouet), 783, 790;
Enlightenment and, 758, 760, 784
Volume, in art, 7–8
Votive figurines, 35
Vulca of Veii, 226
Vulci: mirror from,9-13A;sarcophagus of
Ramtha Visnai and Arnth Tetnies,9-15A

Wabi and sabi aesthetics, 741
Wainwright Building, St. Louis (Sullivan),
Walburga, Saint, 675
Wa l k H o m e , T h e(Schnabel),988, 989
Walking Buddha, 714,714, 717
Wa l k i n g M a n(Rodin), 844, 845, 845
Wall tombs,21-1A
Walpole, Horace, 29-26A;work of,29-26A
Wanderer above a Sea of Mist(Friedrich),
Wa r M o n u m e n t(Barlach), 943, 943
Wa r h o l , A n d y,986, 1000, 1025,36-24A,
36-25A;work of, 984–985, 984
Wari art and culture, 380, 382, 385–386, 391
Warka Vase(Iraq), 34–35, 34
Warring States period (China), 184, 186, 738
Warrior, as theme in art: figure (Kendo),893;
lords, art of, 407–410, 429; priest, 384
Wa r r i o r, h e a d o f , 11
Warrior seated at his tomb (Reed Painter),
Warrior taking leave of his wife (Achilles
Painter), 135
Warrior Vase,96, 96
Washington, D.C.: Vietnam Veterans
Memorial, 1006–1008,1007, 1014
Washington,George:statue of,773,806
“Wassily chair” (Breuer), 962–963, 963
Wat Mahathat monastery, 714
Water Carrier of Seville(Velázquez), 667, 667
Water jars,tea ceremony,740,741, 741
Wa t t e a u , A n t o i n e ,757, 775,29-5A;work of,
754–756,754, 755,29-5A
Waves at Matsushima(Sotatsu),28-10A
Wedgwood, Josiah,29-10A
We l d i n g , 1 0
We l l o f M o s e s(Sluter), 520,521, 539
We n S h u :work of, 728, 728
We p i h a A p a n u i :work of, 885, 885
We s t , B e n j a m i n ,773, 775; work of,
763–764, 764
Westminster Abbey, 457, 489,29-26A
We s t o n , E d w a r d ,967,35-62A, 36-44A;
work of, 939, 939
Westworks, 421,421,422, 429, 453, 464
Wet frescoes, 87
Wet-plate technology, 814, 817

Twisted perspective, 23, 394
Tw i t t e r i n g M a c h i n e(Klee), 948,948, 1020
Two Children Are Threatened by a
Nightingale(Ernst), 944,944, 945
Two Fridas, The(Kahlo), 960, 960
Two Women at the Bath(Kiyonaga), 829
Tympanum, 440, 441,441, 491;
described, 439

Uccello, Paolo,577; work of, 559, 559
Udayagiri, 169; Hindu cave temples at, 168;
reliefs of, 179
Ugolino and His Children(Carpeaux), 844,
Uji, Phoenix Hall, 215–216,216,217, 221
Ukiyo-e period (Japan), 743, 744, 745, 746
Umayyad dynasty, 342, 344, 346, 348, 352,
353, 363,13-14A
Umayyad Palace, 346; frieze of, 346
Umugote Orishaeze (Africa), mbari house
at, 903
Underglaze decoration, 715–716, 722, 733
Unfinished captive (Michelangelo), 11
Unified Silla Kingdom, 202–203, 204, 205
Unique Forms of Continuity in Space
(Boccioni), 927, 927
United Provinces of the Netherlands.See
Dutch Republic
United States, map of, 752
Unkei:work of,8-16A
Untitled(Holzer), 1023, 1023
Untitled(Judd), 979, 979
Untitled(K. Smith), 994, 994
Untitled (Kngwarreye), 873
Untitled (Your Gaze Hits the Side of My Face)
(Kruger), 992, 992
Untitled Film Stills(Sherman), 991, 991
Upanishadic period, 160
Upjohn, Richard:work of,30-44B
Upper Egypt, 54, 55, 58, 67; Lower Egypt
and, 79
Ur: Royal Cemetery, 31, 36, 39, 58, 183;
ziggurat, 41–42,41, 51
Urban VIII, Pope, 650, 652, 653, 663–664
Urbanization, 821, 825
Urbino, 542, 570–572, 577; princely court in,
568, 569
Urnanshe: seated statuette of, from Mari,
Uruk, White Temple and ziggurat,32,33,
33, 45
Uta Codex,426–427; folio of, 426
Utamaro, Kitagawa:work of,28-12A
Utrecht, Schröder house (Rietveld), 961, 961
Utrecht Psalter,418, 419, 424; folio of,418,
Utzon, Joern,1025; work of, 747,
1005, 1005

Vairocana Buddha, 192,193, 214
Valladolid, 645; Colegio de San Gregorio,
644, 644
Valley of the Golden Mummies, 57
Valley of the Kings, 70
Value, of color, 7, 832
“Van,”many names with “van,” “von” and the
like are listed under next element of name,
e.g.“Goethe, J. W. von,” 1222
van Alen, William:work of, 964, 965
van der Goes, Hugo,539,20-14A, 20-16A;
work of, 530–531, 531
van Doesburg, Theo, 950; on De Stijl, 961
Va n D y c k , A n t h o n y,615, 762; work of,
678–679, 678
van Eesteren, Cor, 950
Van Eetvelde house, staircase for, 847, 847
van Eyck, Jan,523, 527, 528, 529, 629, 638,
639, 670,20-14A, 20-14B;self-portrait

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