Biology (Holt)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
CHAPTER 11Gene Technology 227

Quick Review Looking Ahead

Answer the following without referring to
earlier sections of your book.
1.Definethe term gene. (Chapter 6, Section 1)
2.Describethe structure of DNA. (Chapter 9,
Section 2)
3.Statethe base-pairing rules that determine the
structure of DNA.(Chapter 9, Section 1)
4.Explainwhy the genetic code is said to be
universal. (Chapter 10, Section 1)
Did you have difficulty? For help, review the
sections indicated.

Section 1
Genetic Engineering
Basic Steps of Genetic Engineering
Confirmation of a Cloned Gene

Section 2
Human Applications of
Genetic Engineering
The Human Genome Project
Genetically Engineered Drugs and Vaccines
DNA Fingerprinting

Section 3
Genetic Engineering
in Agriculture
Improving Crops
Risks of Genetically Modified Crops
Gene Technology in Animal Farming
Problems with Cloning
National Science Teachers Association sciLINKS Internet
resources are located throughout this chapter.

Reading Activity

Before you read this chapter, write a short list of
all the things you know about gene technology.
Then, write a list of the things that you want to
know about gene technology. Save your list, and
to assess what you have learned, see how many
of your own questions you can answer after
reading this chapter.

Electrophoresis is a technique used in a laboratory
that results in the separation of charged particles.
DNA is a negatively charged molecule, and is moved
by electric current through an electrophoresis gel.






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