Biology (Holt)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Section 1 Genetic Engineering

228 CHAPTER 11Gene Technology

Basic Steps of Genetic Engineering
Not too long ago, using bacteria to produce human insulin and
inserting genes into tomatoes and human cells were ideas that
existed only in science fiction books and movies. But now, the tech-
niques required to carry out these ideas have been developed and
are used daily.
In 1973, Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer conducted an experi-
ment that revolutionized genetic studies in biology. They isolated
the gene that codes for ribosomal RNA from the DNA of an African
clawed frog and then inserted it into the DNA of Escherichia coli
bacteria, as summarized in Figure 1.During transcription, the bac-
teria produced frog rRNA, thereby becoming the first genetically
altered organisms. The process of manipulating genes for practical
purposes is called .Genetic engineering may
involve building —DNA made from two or more
different organisms.
The basic steps in genetic engineering can be explored by exam-
ining how the human gene for insulin is transferred into bacteria.
Insulin is a protein hormone that controls sugar metabolism.
Diabetics cannot produce enough insulin, so they must take doses of
insulin regularly. Before genetic engineering, insulin was extracted
from the pancreases of slaughtered cows and pigs and then purified.
Today, the human insulin gene is transferred to bacteria through
genetic engineering. Because the genetic code is universal, bacteria
can transcribe and translate a human insulin gene using the same
code a human cell uses in order to produce human insulin.

recombinant DNA

genetic engineering


Describefour basic
steps commonly used
in genetic engineering

Evaluatehow restriction
enzymes and the anti-
biotic tetracycline are
used in genetic

Relatethe role of
electrophoresis and
probes in identifying a
specific gene.

Key Terms

genetic engineering
recombinant DNA
restriction enzyme
gene cloning

Cohen and Boyer produced the first genetically engineered organisms.

Figure 1 Genetic alteration of an organism

1.Cohen and Boyer used an African
clawed frog as their experimental

2.They isolated an rRNA
gene from one of its

3.They inserted the gene into
bacteria. The bacteria produced
frog rRNA.

4B 6A 6B 6D

4B 6A 6B 6D

6A 11B 6D
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