Biology (Holt)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Steps in a Genetic Engineering Experiment
Genetic engineering experiments use different approaches, but
most share four basic steps, as illustrated in Figure 2.

Step Cutting DNA The DNA from the organism containing the

gene of interest (in our example, the insulin gene) is cut by
restriction enzymes. are bacterial
enzymes that recognize and bind to specific short sequences
of DNA, and then cut the DNA between specific nucleotides
within the sequences. The DNA from a vector also is cut. A
is an agent that is used to carry the gene of interest
into another cell. Commonly used vectors include viruses,
yeast, and plasmids. ,
shown in Figure 2, are circular
DNA molecules that can repli-
cate independently of the main
chromosomes of bacteria.

Step Making recombinant DNA

The DNA fragments from the
organism containing the gene of
interest are combined with the
DNA fragments from the vector.
An enzyme called DNA ligase is
added to help bond the ends of
DNA fragments together. In our
example, human DNA frag-
ments are combined with plas-
mid DNA fragments. The host
cells then take up the recombi-
nant DNA.

Step CloningIn a process called

, many copies of
the gene of interest are made
each time the host cell repro-
duces. Recall from your reading
that bacteria reproduce by
binary fission, producing identi-
cal offspring. When a bacterial
cell replicates its DNA, its plas-
mid DNA also replicates.

Step Screening Cells that have

received the particular gene of
interest are distinguished, or
separated, from the cells that did
not take up the vector with the
gene of interest. The cells can
transcribe and translate the
gene of interest to make the
protein coded for in the gene.

gene cloning



Restriction enzymes


Genetic Engineering
Many genetic engineering experiments
use one or more of these basic steps.

1 DNA is cut.

2 Recombinant DNA is produced.

3 The gene is cloned when bacteria are allowed to reproduce.


insulin gene


Insert into

Bacterial cells
with the insulin
gene are later

Cut with
restriction enzyme

Plasmid DNA



Cells undergo selection and then are screened.

SECTION 1Genetic Engineering 229

Figure 2
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