CK12 Calculus - Single Variable

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Figure 25

where is calledthe probabilitydensityfunction (pdf).One of the mostusefulprobabilitydensity
functionsis thenormalcurveor theGaussiancurve(and sometimesthebell curve) (Figure26). This
functionenablesus to describean entirepopulationbasedon statisticalmeasurementstakenfrom a small
sampleof the population.The only measurementsneededare the mean( ) and the standarddeviation
( ). Oncethosetwo numbersare known,we can easilyfind the normalcurveby usingthe followingformula.

Figure 26

The NormalProbabilityDensityFunction
The Gaussiancurvefor a populationwith meanμ and standarddeviation is givenby
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