CK12 Calculus - Single Variable

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
wherethe factor is calledthenormalizationconstant.It is neededto makethe probabilityover
the entirespaceequalto That is,


Supposethat boxescontaining tea bagshavea meanweightof ounceseachand a standard
deviationof ounce.
1.Whatpercentageof all the boxesis expectedto weighbetween and ounces?
2.Whatis the probabilitythat a box weighsless than ounces?
3.Whatis the probabilitythat a box will weighexactly ounces?


  1. Usingthe normalprobabilitydensityfunction,

Substitutingfor and we get

The percentageof all the tea boxesthat are expectedto weightbetween and ouncescan be cal-

The integralof doesnot havean elementaryanti-derivativeand thereforecannotbe evaluatedby
standardtechniques.However, we can use numericaltechniques,suchas The Simpson’s Ruleor The
TrapeziodRule,to find an approximate(but very accurate)value.Usingthe programingfeatureof a scientific
calculatoror, mathematicalsoftware,we eventuallyget

That is,

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