CK12 Calculus - Single Variable

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

TechnologyNote:To makethis computationwith a graphingcalculatorof the TI-83/84family, do the fol-

  • FromtheDISTRmenu(Figure27) selectoption2, whichputs the phrase"normalcdf"in the homescreen.
    Add lowerbound,upperbound,mean,standarddeviation,separatedby commas,closethe parentheses,
    and pressENTER. The resultis shownin Figure28.

Figure 27

Figure 28

  1. For the probabilitythat a box weighsless than ounces,we use the area underthe curveto the left
    of Sincethe valueof is very small(lessthan a billionth),

gettingthe area between and will yield a fairlygoodanswer. Integratingnumerically, we get

whichsays that we wouldexpect of the boxesto weighless than ounces.

  1. Theoreticallythe probabilityhere will be exactlyzero becausewe will be integratingfrom to which
    is zero.However, sinceall scaleshavesomeerror(call it ), practicallywe wouldfind the probabilitythat
    the weightfalls between and.

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