Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
284 ChapTER 12 | War and eManCipation | period Five 1844 –1877 TopIC I | emancipation^285

the money of fools.” For a man to be an Abolitionist in the United States seems at
once to convert him into a knave and a robber.

“President Lincoln and His Scheme of Emancipation,” Charleston Mercury, December 11,
1862, Accessible Archives: The Civil War Collection.

pRaCTICIng historical Thinking

Identify: What is significant about the year 1900 to this newspaper? Is this year
mentioned in the Emancipation Proclamation? Use your notes and textbook to
help you.
Analyze: What does the writer mean when he states: “Yet Abolitionism teaches
a man that there is a higher law than the Constitution of the country, or the Bible
itself”? Why would a Southern slave owner reject this notion?
Evaluate: Synthesize the first four documents of this chapter to form a statement
on the ways that newspapers in this era tried to shape public opinion.

document 12.5 ThoMAS nAST, “The Emancipation of
the negroes, January, 1863—The Past
and the Future,” Harper’s Weekly

The following image appeared in the Northern periodical Harper’s Weekly on January 24,
1863, to celebrate the Emancipation Proclamation.

Library of Congress

prints and


division, LC-USZ62-130778.

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