284 ChapTER 12 | War and eManCipation | period Five 1844 –1877 TopIC^ I^ |^ emancipation^285
pR aCTICIng historical Thinking
Identify: What images are the most prominent in this picture?
Analyze: What is the purpose of the images surrounding the central image?
Evaluate: To what extent does this image present Emancipation as a moral cause?
An economic one? A political one? Explain.
applyIng ap® historical Thinking Skills
sKill review comparison, contextualization,
and historical Argumentation
Regarding the emancipation of enslaved African Americans, compare the five documents
above, and answer the following prompt:
Accept, modify, or refute the following: Although Northerners and Southerners
debated the status of African Americans, neither side in the Civil War perceived
enslaved African Americans and whites as equals. Use the documents above and
your knowledge of the 1860s to support your argument.
steP 1 Organize your evidence
Use a simple table to clarify the point of view and context for each piece of evidence. This is
the first step toward comparison. Note the point of view and context for each piece.
point of view on (or
perception of) african
Doc. 12.1, “What to Do with the
Slaves When Emancipated,” New
York Herald
Antiabolition Political, economic
Doc. 12.2, Abraham Lincoln, Letter
to Horace Greeley
Doc. 12.3, Abraham Lincoln, Eman-
cipation Proclamation
Doc. 12.4, “President Lincoln and
His Scheme of Emancipation,”
Charleston Mercury
Southern Political, economic
Doc. 12.5, Thomas Nast, “The
Emancipation of the Negroes,
January, 1863—The Past and the
Abolitionist Social, moral
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