Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
agrees with
claim? Why?

Disagrees with
claim? Why?

Modifies the
claim? Why?

Doc. 12.1, “What to Do
with the Slaves When
Emancipated,” New York

Doc. 12.2, Abraham
Lincoln, Letter to Horace

Doc. 12.3, Abraham
Lincoln, Emancipation

Doc. 12.4, “President
Lincoln and His Scheme of
Emancipation,” Charleston

Doc. 12.5, Thomas Nast,
“The Emancipation of the
Negroes, January, 1863—
The Past and the Future”

steP 3 Write your response
Recall Chapter 11’s focus on the outlier or qualifying evidence. How does the New York
Herald’s criticism of Lincoln’s plan for emancipation (Doc. 12.1) fit into your overall argu-
ment? (For example, “Because the Herald and Lincoln held differing views toward enslaved
African Americans.. .”) Whether you agree or disagree with the claim, you will find evidence
that contradicts or qualifies your position.

286 ChapTER 12 | War and eManCipation | period Five 18 44 –1877

steP 2 Evaluate each source
Determine which of these sources agrees with, disagrees with, or modifies the claim.

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