Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

332 chaPTEr 14 | the throes oF assimiLation | period six 1865 –1898

PracTIcINg historical Thinking

Identify: Who are the figures in the right, left, and center of the image?
Analyze: Determine the relationship between the central figure and those on
either side of him.
Evaluate: Synthesize this lithograph with two other documents from earlier in this
chapter. What might explain Uncle Sam’s differing relationships in this image?

Library of Congress

prints and

photographs Division,



aPPlyINg aP® historical Thinking Skills

sKill review Contextualization and Comparison

Answer the following prompt:

What social and economic factors shaped Anglo-American contacts with Native
Americans between 1865 and 1898? To what extent were these factors similar to
those of the period between 1763 and 1800?

steP 1 Organize and contextualize your evidence
Locate the documents that present both social and economic factors that shaped Anglo-
American contacts with Native Americans during two different time periods:

Between 1865 and 1898

Document Social factors Economic factors
Doc. 14.1, Columbus Delano, Testimony before the
House Committee on Military Affairs

Doc. 14.2, General Philip Sheridan, Description of
Custer’s Battlefield X

ToPIc I | the Western War against native peoples 333

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