Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
334 chaPTEr 14 | the throes oF assimiLation | period six 1865 –1898

Document Social factors Economic factors

Doc. 14.3, “Educating the Indians,” Frank Leslie’s
Illustrated Newspaper

Doc. 14.4, Dawes Allotment Act

Doc. 14.5, “Consistency,” Puck

Between 1763 and 1800
Selected documents may include the following:

Document 2.6, John Martin, Proposal for Subjugating Native Americans, 1622
Document 4.10, Colonel Daniel Brodhead, Letter to General George Washington on an
American Expedition into Pro-British Iroquois Territory, 1779
Document 4.2, The Diary of William Trent, 1763

steP 2 Compare the two eras
When you compare these eras, use the social and economic factors as the starting point.
Also, use the thematic focus of the documents to help align your comparison. For exam-
ple, Columbus Delano’s statement (Doc. 14.1) represents the federal government’s attitude
toward Native Americans. Therefore, you would look for a similar document that reflects pol-
icy statements toward Native Americans. General Philip Sheridan’s account of the Battle at
Little Bighorn (Doc. 14.2), for example, may reflect the military’s perspective toward Native
Americans in the way that Colonel Daniel Brodhead’s position (Doc. 4.10) focuses on the
military subjugation of Native Americans.

steP 3 Outline your response, aligning contexts and documents
Here is a sample outline:

I. Introduction
II. 1865 to 1898
A. Social factors

  1. General Sheridan

  2. [Insert evidence here]
    B. Economic factors

  3. [Insert evidence here]

  4. [Insert evidence here]
    III. 1763 to 1800
    A. Social factors

  5. Colonel Brodhead

  6. [Insert evidence here]
    B. Economic factors

  7. [Insert evidence here]

  8. [Insert evidence here]
    IV. Conclusion

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