Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

366 Chapter 16 | prosperity and reform | period seven 1890 –1945

p raCtICING historical thinking

Identify: Describe the women’s apparel.
Analyze: To what extent does this image represent a new social identity for women?
Evaluate: Based on your knowledge of US history, compare this image with ear-
lier ones that describe women’s working conditions (such as Harriet Robinson’s
description of the Lowell mill girls in Doc. 8.6 or Jane Addams’s description of
Hull House in Doc. 14.6), and determine the reasons for the changes in women’s
economic and social status. Your textbook and class notes will help you here.

Lewis W.


appLYING ap® historical thinking Skills

sKill review Contextualization

Using the documents above, describe how each of the following individuals might react
toward the Pullman Strike of 1894 (Doc. 16.1). Justify your responses with reference to the
context in which these individuals form these opinions.

A young woman who is looking for work in an office

A young man who is enjoying the day at Coney Island

A young man living in Chicago whose parents were Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe

steP 1 What does the text say?
Review your answers to the “Identify” questions to determine each text’s main message or

tOpIC I | the Consumer’s City 367

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