Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
368 Chapter 16 | prosperity and reform | period seven 1890 –1945

text Overall purpose or message

Doc. 16.2, Louis Gilrod and David Meyrowitz,
“A Boychik Up-to-Date”

For the son of Jewish immigrants:

Doc. 16.3, Luna Park, Coney Island For the young man enjoying the day at Coney

Doc. 16.4, Two Women Reading Employment

For the young woman looking for office work:

steP 2 What is the context of each?

text Context

Doc. 16.2, Louis Gilrod and David Meyrowitz,
“A Boychik Up-to-Date”

For the son of Jewish immigrants:

Doc. 16.3, Luna Park, Coney Island For the young man enjoying the day at Coney

Doc. 16.4, Two Women Reading Employment

For the young woman looking for office work:

steP 3 Create a historical argument using context.
Consider the following prompt:

In what ways would the context of the three individuals described above shape their
reaction to the Pullman Strike? Refer to the documents above and your textbook or
class notes to structure your response.

tOpIC II | the progressive Critique and new deal response 369

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