Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

540 Index Index 541

Naturalization laws, 242
Natural rights theories, 116
Navigation Acts (England)
first (1660), 60–61, 62
mentioned, 58
Neutrality, in First World War, 406
New Deal
government powers during,
impressions of, 377
mentioned, 362
Roosevelt, Franklin D., and,
373, 374 (i)
New England. See also specific
Dominion of, 62–63
Indian conversions to
Christianity in, 40–41
King Philip’s War in, 37
Puritan settlement of, 32
New Left, 480, 490–491
New Mexico
Cicuique ruins in, 5, 5 (i)
native resistance in, 3
Pueblo Revolt in, 15–16
New Right, 483–484, 490–491,
“New South, The” (Grady, 1886),
Newspapers, abolitionist, 180
“New Suburban Dream Born
of Asia and Southern
California” (Medina,
New York Times, 2013),
Newton, Huey, 460
New World, 2. See also
America(s); specific
“New Year’s Greetings in Puck”
(1898), 311, 312 (i)
New York City
Coney Island in, 365, 366 (i)
Leisler’s Rebellion in, 69–70
Lower East Side immigrants
in, 319, 319–320 (i)
Negro employees of
apartment houses in,
political machines in, 197,
New York Daily Times,
“Commodore Perry at the
Loo Choo Isles” (1853),

New York Herald, “What to Do
with the Slaves When
Emancipated” (1862),
New York Tribune, emancipation
and, 279
Nixon, Richard M., 440–441
“Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech”
(Faulkner, 1950), 475–476
Nonviolence, 468. See also King,
Martin Luther, Jr.
North (region)
racism in, 398, 399 (i)
Reconstruction and, 294
victory in Civil War, 276
North America
British culture in, 58
changes in societies of, 7–11,
conquest of native peoples in,
English settlement of, 28–29
before and after French and
Indian War, 88 (i), 89 (i)
French settlement of, 28
map of Eastern Seaboard
(1701), 64, 64 (i)
transatlantic ideas and, 68–77
“North America before and after
the French and Indian
War” (1754 and 1763), 88,
88 (m), 89 (m)
North Korea, in Korean Conflict,
North Star (newspaper), 180
Northwest Ordinance (1787),
146, 154
“Northwest Ordinance, Key
Sections” (1785), 146
“Northwest Ordinance, Key
Sections” (1787), 154
Northwest Territories, Battle of
Fallen Timbers and, 155
Nuclear weapons
Faulkner on, 475–476
after Second World War,
429, 474
Nuestra Platforma (Las Gorras
Blancas, 1890), 318–319
Nullification, 172–173
Calhoun justification of, 202
historians’ interpretations of
crisis (1803), 176–177
Núñez de Chaves, Diego, Pueblo
Revolt and, 15–16

Obama, Barack
“Address to Congress on
Health Care” (2011),
“Speech on the Middle East”
(2011), 512–513, 519
Office of the President, “Proposal
to Create the Department
of Homeland Security”
(2002), 506
“Old Reliable” (Berryman, c.
1938), 376, 376 (i)
Olid, Cristóbal de, 8
Oliver, Thomas, “Letter to Queen
Anne” (1708), 65
“On a ‘Crisis of Confidence’”
(Carter, 1979), 492–493
“On Atomic Technology”
(Truman, 1945), 429–430
“On Being Brought from Africa
to America” (Wheatley,
1770), 120
“On Earl Warren and the Brown
Decision” (Eisenhower,
1954), 450
“On Greece and Turkey”
(Truman, 1947), 432
“On Iraq” (G. W. Bush, 2003),
“On Social Security Reform”
(Bush, 2005), 508–509
“On the League of Nations”
(Wilson, 1919), 413–414
“On the Webster-Ashburton
Treaty” (Brooklyn Daily
Eagle, 1842), 223
Opechankanough, Jamestown
attack by, 34, 34 (i)
“Open Letter Home during
World War II, An”
(Murphy, 1943), 417–418
Orange County, California,
conservatism in, 484
Oregon, acquisition of,
Oregon Territory, 223, 224
Polk on, 237
Organizing evidence, 112–113
for reason-based historical
argument, 229–232
O’Sullivan, John L., 204
“Great Nation of Futurity,
The” (United States
Democratic Review, 1839),

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