Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
542 Index Index 543

“Our Superb 1914 Model Peerless
Bicycle” (1914), 385 (i)
Outlier (qualifying) evidence,
274, 286, 379
Outlining, 25, 53–54, 78, 81,
113–114, 143–144, 165–
166, 189–190, 210–211,
229–232, 249–250, 274,
302, 303–304, 325, 326,
334, 341–342, 357, 380,
401, 403–404, 423–424,
446, 472, 486, 520
Outside information, 24

Pacific Railway Act (1862), 309
Paine, Thomas
Common Sense (1776),
national and international
policy conflict and, 107 (i)
of families, 196, 196 (i)
in Hudson River School, 185,
186 (i)
Pamunkey Indians
Powhatan’s cloak from, 6, 6 (i)
strategy for subjugating, 35
“Papal Bull: Sublimis Deus” (Paul
III, 1537), 12
Paris, Treaty of (1783), 104–105
Parks, national, 321
Parliament (England)
Charles I executed by, 119
Glorious Revolution (1689)
and, 62
“Party of the Democratic Party”
(1848), 225–226, 225 (i)
in Massachusetts, 96–97
Sons of Liberty as, 95
in argument, 188–190
of continuity and change over
time, 9–11, 17, 51, 98,
199–201, 323, 325, 327,
378, 411, 420–421, 422
of cooperation and
competition, 28
deductive process for, 304
evidence and, 229–230, 272
in historical argument,
historical trends as, 292
in reading, 8
understanding of, 206

Paul III (Pope), “Papal Bull:
Sublimis Deus” (1537), 12
Paxton Boys
“Declaration and
Remonstrance of the
Distressed and Bleeding
Frontier Inhabitants
of the Province of
Pennsylvania” (1764),
“Letter Regarding Attacks
of Paxton Boys on
Conestogo Indians in
Lancaster, Pennsylvania”
(Henry, 1763), 148
Peale, Charles Wilson, 158
Peale, James
about, 158
“Artist and His Family, The”
(1795), 158 (i)
Pease, Jane H. and William
H., interpretation of
nullification crisis
(1830s), 176–177
Penn, William, “Preface to
‘Frame of Government’”
(1682), 68
founding of, 68
“Pennsylvania Act for the
Gradual Abolition of
Slavery” (1780), 133
“People’s Party Platform” (1892),
Peopling, defined, 341
Periodization, 16, 207–208, 243,
293, 355, 356–357, 368,
379, 411, 468
Perry, Matthew Calbraith,
argument and, 470
in documents, 470–472
Perspective, multiple, 402–404
“Petition against Woman
Suffrage” (Women of
Lorain County, 1870), 345
“Petition for Renewal of
Patent on Cotton Gin”
(Whitney, 1812), 193–194
Philanthropy, by Carnegie, 351
Philip II (Spain), 13
Philip IV (Spain), “Letter to Don
Luis de Valdés” (1647), 36

Philippines, United States and,
406, 409
“Picket Line, Chicago” (Vachon,
1941), 398, 399 (i)
Pierce, Franklin, Japan and, 240
Pinckney, Thomas
about, 156
Jefferson letter to (1793), 105
“Pinckney’s Treaty, Article IV”
(1795), 156
Planned Parenthood, 453
Plants, in Columbian exchange, 2
Platforms (political)
“American (or Know-
Nothing) Party Platform”
(1856), 241–242
“Democratic Party Platform”
(1844), 224–225
Nuestra Platforma (Las
Gorras Blancas, 1890),
“Platform of the American
Anti-Imperialist League”
(1899), 409–410
Plessy v. Ferguson, 450
Plunkitt, George Washington,
“Honest Graft and
Dishonest Graft” (1905),
Plymouth colony, 62
Point-by-point comparison,
Point of view, 99, 100, 101, 188,
227, 285, 470, 518, 520
Political action conference
(1974), 466–467
“Political Cartoon on Virginia’s
Ratification of the
Constitution, Boston
Independent Chronicle”
(1788), 131 (i)
Political machines
in New York City, 197, 336
rise of, 362
Political parties. See also specific
factions and, 86
People’s Party, 322–323
Politics. See also Political parties;
Power (authority)
in 20th century, 425–426
factions and, 86
New Left and, 480, 490–491
New Right and, 483–484,

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