Chronology of American Indian History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

upon them to supply military support in this and
three other major wars during the next 74 years.
The eight-year King William’s War (see entry for
1697) will be particularly destructive to the Iro-
quois. Long the allies of the English, the Iroquois
and their villages are targeted by French soldiers
and pro-French Indian warriors, who want to break
the Iroquois’ dominance in the fur trade.


Virginia outlaws interracial marriage.
Eighty-seven years after Virginia officials celebrated
the wedding of Pocahontas and John Rolfe (see
entry for APRIL 5, 1614), the colony’s legislature

bans from Virginia any English person who marries
someone of Indian or African descent. Reflecting
whites’ growing sense of superiority over Indian and
African “savages,” similar laws will soon be passed
in Massachusetts, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylva-
nia, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina.


The Spanish return to the lands of the
Spanish soldiers led by Diego de Vargas march
into the southwestern lands of the Pueblo Indians.
Their arrival marks the first extended Spanish pres-
ence among the Pueblo Indians since they revolted

Penn’s Treaty with the Indians, a romanticized depiction of William Penn’s 1682 negotiations with the Lenni Lenape
(Delaware), painted by American master Benjamin West in 1771–72 (The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts,
Philadelphia. Gift of Mrs. Sarah Harrison. The Joseph Harrison, Jr. Collection)
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