Juárez, Benito, 259, 260,
273, 275, 276
Kaufman, Terrance, 49
K’axob, 52
Kellogg, Susan, 207
K’iches. SeeQuiché
Kirchhoff, Paul, 29
La Blanca site, 52
Labná, 73
La Danta, 54
Laguna de los Cerros, 49
Lake Pátzcuaro, 13
La Malinche, 166
La Mojarra Stela 1, 50
Landa, Diego de, 89
Language, 7– 8 , 50, 407–3 8
classification and migra-
tion, 431–32
contact, 432–35
dialects, 145, 419–21
diversity of, 407–12
endangerment, 421–25
families, 40 8
glottochronology, 435,
history and, 430–3 8
ideology, 422
impact of Spanish on na-
tive, 423–25
loan phonemes, 425
loan transition, 41 8 –19
morphology, 414–16
phonology, 412–14
in religion, 530–32
shift, 421
structure of, 412–19
syntax, 416–1 8
whistled speech, 413
writing, 425–30
Las Casas, Bartolomé de, 26,
161, 162, 163, 164, 1 8 3,
Late Formative period,
52–56, 65
Late postclassic period,
78 –119
La Venta, 29, 49–50, 51
Laws of the Indies, 516
Lencan language, 145
Lencas, 144, 145
Lenin, Vladimir, 361
León-Porilla, Miguel, 100
Lerma River, 13
Lerma-Santiago River, 16, 129
Literature. See alsoOral tra-
civil or notarial, 251–53
colonial codices, 229–37
historians of use, 245–4 8
Indian voice in, 476–504
indigenous, 222–54
Indo-Christian, 249–51
pre-Columbian, 223–2 8
translations of oral,
Loan phonemes, 425
Lockhart, James, 210
Logograms, 425
Long count calendar, 63
Lopéz, Dominica, 451
Lopéz, María, 453
Lorenzo, José Luis, 40
Lost Continent, 22–24, 2 8 , 33
Lost Ten Tribes, 22, 33, 3 8
Love, Bruce, 116
Lowlands, 8 –9, 10–12
Machismo, 45 8 –59
Madero, Francisco, 297, 300
Maize, 11, 44, 34 8
cultivation, 39, 43
Mamon tradition, 52
Mangue language, 132
Maquiladora industries, 357,
362–63, 465–66
Marcos, Subcomandante,
395–97, 39 8 , 400
Marcus, Joyce, 49, 61
Marketing culture, 365–66
Markets, 363–65
Márquez, Gabriel García,
Martin, Simon, 62
Martyr, Peter, 222
Massacre of Tlatelolco, 391
Matlazinca language, 12 8
Maximilian, Holy Roman
Emperor, 159
Maya, 1–2, 7, 19, 24, 30, 32,
38 , 2 8 3, 344
approaches to study,
architecture, 27
calendrical rites of, 3 89
Cholan language, 411
classic civilizations, 54
Classic period, 60–71
collapse of, 62
conquest period, 176– 80
consumption patterns,
contact period, 11 8
core zone, 132–33
cults, 509
economy, 347
gender system, 441–42
in Guatemala, 334
Highland, 8 5– 87
Kaqchikel, 36 8
languages, 416
literature, 223
lowlands, 54, 110–1 8
Momostenango, 27 8 – 82
Olmec-style artifacts in, 52
oral tradition, 23 8 –39
pan-Mayan movement,