Maya (cont.)
peasants, 310
petty commodity
production in, 360
Quiché, 132, 135, 136,
137, 149, 177–79,
238 –40, 310–11, 339,
350, 355–57, 423, 490,
503, 529, 532
religion in, 116–1 8 ,
397–9 8 , 510, 514, 524
sarcophagus lid, 25
Tzotzil, 330, 3 88 , 491–97
villages, 52
women and domestic
production, 464
writing, 50, 55
Yucatecan language, 411
Zapatista movement,
Mayapán, 8 1– 8 2, 8 4, 110–11,
113, 116
Mazariegos, Diego, 177
Mazatec language, 12 8
McAnany, Patricia, 52
Menchú, Rigoberta, 312,
439, 503–4
Mesa del Sur, 14
archaeology, 2 8
biological characteristics,
cities, changing views
of, 61–62
colonial period (See
Colonial period)
conquest period (SeeSpan-
ish conquest period)
contact period (See
Spanish contact period)
defining, 5– 8
developments in prehis-
panic, 11 8
early inhabitants of, 40–46
economy, 347–7 8
evolutionary sequence for,
gender system in, 445
indigenous literature
from, 222–54
language, 407–3 8
late postclassic, 7 8 –119
literature, 476–504
modern period (See
Modern era)
natural areas in, 12–1 8
northern, 76
past studies of, 21–33
peasants, 350–52
physical setting of, 8 –21
prehistoric period, 3 8 –77
religion, 505–32
technology in, 54–55
in transnational world,
women in, 439–75
as world system, 123–47
writing in, 425–30
Mestizaje, 343
Mestizos, 20, 245–4 8 , 263,
274, 2 8 0, 303, 304, 305,
309, 316, 31 8 , 319, 321,
324, 331, 337, 459, 523
Metztitlán, 12 8
Mexican Revolution, 255,
297–305, 455–57, 45 8
Mexico, 10, 296, 33 8 , 353,
354, 363, 367
basins in, 13
Central Plateau, 13
context of Zapatista move-
ment, 3 8 3– 85
development in, 316–27
independence movement,
Indian communities in, 33
literature and art in,
477–7 8
multiculturalism in,
national movements, 256,
327–33, 335–37
religion in, 514–15
revolution, 36–37
West, 8 7, 124, 129–30
women in, 449–50, 453–5 8
Mezquital Otomí Indigenist
Project, 320–23
Michoacán, 13, 175–76
Middle Formative period,
Migration, 352–53, 370–72,
Milpa, 34 8 –50
Mirambell, Lorena, 40
Missionary state, 516
Mitla, 8 0, 10 8
Mixe-Zoquean language, 50,
177, 416, 417, 435
Mixteca Alta, 103–4, 107, 127
Mixteca-Puebla, 104, 110
Mixtecs, 76, 79, 88 , 103–10,
130, 131, 226, 227, 246,
251, 31 8 , 343
gender system, 442
language, 12 8
Moctezuma River, 13
Modern era, 255–95,
Caste War of Yucatán,
28 3– 89
Central American revolu-
tions, 297, 305–15
development in, 315–27
independence movement,
256–64, 264–73
Indians in, 273– 82
Mexican Revolution
(1911), 255, 297–305
modernization through
development, 262–64
national movements,
nativistic movements,
28 2– 83