mordenkainens tome of foes

(Jeff_L) #1


Supreme commanders lead the githyanki armies, each

one commanding ten kith'raks, who in turn lead the

rest of their forces. Most supreme commanders ride red

dragons into battle.


The most powerful of the githzerai, anarchs lead com-

munities and maintain the adamantine citadels that

serve as strong points in planes beyond Limbo. They

have formidable psionic capabilities, able to manipulate

the unformed substance of their adopted plane with a

thought. These rare githzerai are sages and mystics,

and their word is law.


In Limbo, githzerai anarchs create islands of tranquil-

ity in the otherwise turbulent plane. By directing its

psionic power, an anarch can give form to formless

substance, creating mountains, lakes, and structures of

any composition to serve as a foundation for a githzerai


Lair Actions. An anarch can use lair actions. On

initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the anarch

can take a lair action to cause one of the following

effects; the anarch can't use the same effect two

rounds in a row:

  • T he anarch casts the lightning bolt spell (at 5th level),

but the anarch can change the damage type from

lightning to cold, fire, psychic, radiant, or thunder. If

the spell deals damage other than fire or lightning, it

doesn't ignite flammable objects.

  • The anarch casts the creation spell (as a 9th-level

spell) using the unformed substance of Limbo in-

stead of shadow material. If used in Limbo, the object

remains until the anarch's concentration is broken,

regardless of its composition. If the anarch moves

more than 120 feet from the object, its concentra-

tion breaks.

  • The anarch can magically move an object it can see

within 150 feet of it by making a Wisdom check with

advantage. The DC depends on the object's size: DC 5

for Tiny, DC 10 for Small, DC 15 for Medium, DC 20

for Large, and DC 25 for Huge or larger.

Regional Effects. The region containing an anarch's

lair is warped by its presence, which creates one or

more of the following effects:

  • In Limbo, the anarch can spend 10 minutes stabilizing

a 5-mile area centered on it, causing the unfor med

substance to take whatever inanimate form the anarch

chooses. During that process, the anarch determines

t he shape and composition of the forms created.

  • The anarch stabilizes any object created in Limbo and

brought to the Material Plane for as long as the anarch

remains within 1 mile of it (no action required).

If the anarch dies, these effects end after ld6 rounds. All

formed substance becomes a chaotic churn of e nergy

and matter, unraveling into unformed substance that

dissipates ld6 rounds later.


Medium humanoid (gith), lawful neutral .a

Armor Class 20

Hit Point s 144 (17d8 + 68)

Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover)


16 (+3)


21 (+5)


18 (+4)


18 (+4)


20 (+5)

Saving Throws Str +8, Dex +10, Int +9, Wis +10

Skills Arcana +9, Insight +10, Perception +10

Senses passive Perception 20

Languages Gith

Challenge 16 (15,000 XP)


14 (+2)

I "I '

Innate Spel/casting (Psionics). The anarch's innate spellcast-

ing ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 1 8, + l 0 to hit with spell

attacks). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no


At will: mage hand (the hand is invisible)

3/day each: feather fall, jump, see invisibility, shield, telekinesis

l/day each: globe of invulnerability, plane shift, teleportation

circle, wall of force

Psychic Defense. While the anarch is wearing no armor and

wielding no shield, its AC includes its Wisdom modifier.


Multiattack. The anarch makes three unarmed strikes.

Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach S ft.,

one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage plus 18 (4d8)

psychic damage.


The anarch can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the op-

t ions below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a

time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The anarch

regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Strike. The anarch makes one unarmed strike.

Tele port. The anarch magically teleports, along with any equip-

ment it is wearing and carrying, to an unoccupied space it

can see within 30 feet of it.

Change G ravity (Cost s 3 Act io ns). The anarch cast s the reverse

gravity spell. The spell has the normal effect, except t hat the

anarch can orient the area in any direction and creatures and

objects fall toward the end of the area.



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