A History of Latin America

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1



Abad y Queipo, Manuel, 113
Abalos, José, 158
Abolition and abolitionism: enslavement
of indigenous peoples and, 83;
Bolívar and, 219; in Brazil, 223,
225–228, 260–261; in United States,
225; in Cuba, 233; in Venezuela,
Absolutism: in Spain, 95; Bourbon
reforms and, 135–137
Acapulco, trade with Manila, 91
Acculturation of indigenous peoples, 151
Acosta, José de, 87, 88, 107
Acuña, Hernando de, 47
Additional Act (1834, Brazil), 222, 224
Adelantado, 72
Administration: by bureaucracy, 10; of
Inca civilization, 31; colonial, 95–96;
by royal agents, 96–98; provincial,
98–99; monarch’s concessions to
maintain loyalty and, 100; of Brazil,
129–130.See also Government;
specific countries
Africa: Portugal and, 52–53; Cape of
Good Hope and, 53; slaves from, 53,
115–116.See also Slaves and slavery;
Slave trade
Afro-Cubans, 232 (illus.); discrimination
against, 233
Afterlife, belief in, 19
Agrarian reform: lack of, 176; in
Guatemala, 266
Agrarian unrest, in Mexico, 251
Agriculture, 8; of Maya, 9, 18; in
Chibcha chiefdoms, 10; of Taino,
12; in Teotihuacán, 15; Aztec, 23,
27, 28; in Peru, 29, 229–230; of
Incas, 31–32; Spanish, 37, 136;
in Castile, 39; commercial, 85–86;
on haciendas, 85–86; in Spanish
America, 86–88, 139; in Mexico,
139, 199, 249; large estates in, 193;
Juárez policy and, 204; labor for,
245–246; in Brazil, 264, 265; in
Guatemala, 266; in El Salvador, 267;
in Nicaragua, 267. See also Haciendas
(estates); Landowners; Latifundio
(great estate)
Aguilar, Jerónimo, 63
Aguirre, Lope de (“the Wanderer”),
Agustín I (Mexico), 175
Ahuitzotl (Aztec), 28

Alamán, Lucas, 86, 104, 199
Al-Andalus, 37
Alberdi, Juan Bautista, 208
Albuquerque, Alfonso de, 54
Alcabala (sales tax), 42, 89, 153
Alcaldes, 39, 42
Alcaldes mayores, 82; as provincial
administrators, 98–99
Alcoholism, in Mexico, 250
Além, Leandro, 254
Alemán, Mateo de, 50
Alexander VI (Pope), 43; Treaty of
Tordesillas and, 55
Aljubarrota, battle at, 52
Allegory of the Departure of Dom Pedro II
for Europe After the Declaration of the
Republic (illus.), 261
Almagro, Diego de, 66, 71
Almanacs, 20
Alphabet (Mayan), 20
Altamira caves, 36
Altiplano, 9
Alvarado, Pedro de, 62, 65
Alvarez, Juan, 183, 201
Alves de Lima, Luis, 223
Alzate, Antonio de, 148
Amalgamation process (silver), 88
Amazon region: Brazilian tribes of, 9;
archaeological evidence of, 11n
Amazon River: naming of, 71; Aguirre’s
expedition and, 74–75
America, 56–60; ancient, 4; first human
habitation of, 7–8; early civilizations
in, 14–17; European conquest of,
52–75; naming of, 61; papal grant to
Castile and, 78; spiritual conquest of,
101–104.See also Ancient America;
Indies; Spanish America
American Indians. See Indigenous
American Revolution, 159
Anarchism, in Chile, 260
Ancestors: of Ancient Americans, 7
Anchieta, José de, 125
Ancient America, 4, 7–35; peoples of, 7;
migrations to, 7–8; Aztec civilization
of, 9, 14, 23–29; Inca civilization of,
9, 14, 30–34; demographic history
of, 11–12; Maya civilization of,
12–14, 17–23. See also specific
Ancón, Treaty of, 256
Andagoya, Pascual de, 66

Andalusia, 37, 38, 45
Andean region: altiplano of, 9;
civilizations of, 12–14; in Classic
period, 13; coastal civilizations of, 29;
Incas of, 29; highland civilizations of,
29–30; repartimiento in, 81; mita in,
141; Martín in, 167; Colombia and,
240; land in, 245
Anglo-American competition: for
influence in Mexico, 199
Anglo-Brazilian treaty: banning slave
trade, 225
Anglo-Chilean capitalists, 229, 230
Anglo-Chilean companies: in nitrate
industry, 255
Angostura: Bolívar in, 165, 166
Animals: prehistoric, 8; Aztec, 26; of
Andes, 29; Spanish domestic, 86–88.
See also Cattle industry; specific
Annexation, U.S. interest in Cuba and,
Anticlericalism, 190. See also Catholic
Church; Clergy
Antilles, 61
Anti-Semitism, 45–46. See also Jews
Antislavery movement, 260; in Brazil,
Antofagasta: nitrates in, 255–256
Apaches, 105
Apatzingan: constitution drafted at, 174
Aqueducts: Aztec, 27
Arabs: numeration system of, 20; spice
trade and, 53–54. See also Muslims
Aragon, 38; civil war of 1462–1472 in,
40; unity with Castile, 40; autonomy
of, 95
Araucana, La (Ercilla), 73
Araucanian people, 68, 71; revolt by,
153; Chile and, 256
Arawak Indians, 62, 77
Arce, Manuel José, 216–217
Archaeology: evidence from, 7–8, 11n;
about Maya, 19
Archaic period, 13, 29
Architecture: in Classic period, 13;
of Maya, 21; in Tiahuanaco, 30;
Spanish, 43
Arcos, Santiago, 214
Areche, José Antonio de, 140, 154
Arequipa, 30
Argentina: domestic animals imported
into, 88; liberation movement and,
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