A History of Latin America

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


161, 163; independence of, 166,
205–212; junta in, 166; conflict
within, 167; unification and,
205–212; government of, 206,
207; war between Confederation
and Buenos Aires in, 208; Mitre as
president of, 209; Paraguayan War
and, 209–211; economy in, 211,
252–255; immigrants in, 211, 253;
technological changes in, 211; Brazil
and, 224; consolidation of, 252;
rulers of, 252; politics in, 252–255;
labor in, 255. See also Buenos Aires;
Constitutions; specific leaders
Argentine Confederation, 208
Argentine Republic, Buenos Aires as
capital of, 208–209
Aristocracy, 194; of Maya, 19; in Spain,
49, 94; in Indies, 110; native, 112; in
Spanish America, 151; dominance of,
176; in Mexico, 205; in Argentina,
206; in Chile, 214; in Brazil, 221. See
also Elites
Aristocratic hegemony, 94
Arizona, 70
Armada (Spain), 48
Armed forces. See Military
Arobe, Francisco de, 117 (illus.)
Arriaga, Ponciano, 197, 200, 201, 203
Arróm, Silvia, 153
Artigas, José Gervasio, 167, 205
Artisans, 10; of Maya, 19; Aztec, 28;
Inca, 33, 34; in Spain, 46; in Brazil,
133; in Colombia, 240, 241
Artistic culture, 13. See also Arts; Culture
Arts: in postclassic period, 14–15; Olmec,
15; of Maya, 21, 21 (illus.); Aztec,
28; Chavín, 30; of Inca, 35; of Muslim
Spain, 37; in Spain, 50–51; in colonial
era, 108–110; in colonies, 147
Asia: invaders from, 7–8; European
colonialism in, 53; trade with, 91
Asiento, 83
Assassinations, 4–5; of Pizarro, 68. See
also specific individuals
Assimilation, of indigenous peoples, 150
Astrolabe, 53
Astronomy, 13, 108
Asuncíon, Paraguay, 71
Atacama Desert, 255
Atahualpa (Inca), 14, 31, 66, 67, 67 (illus.)
Atlantic Ocean region: Portuguese
exploration of, 54–55
Audiencia (high court), 97; in Mexico,
66; in New Spain, 79; government
by, 96; in 16th century Spanish
America, 97 (illus.); creoles in, 146;
in Cuzco, 156

Augustinians, 103
Auto-da-fé, 106, 148
Ayacucho, 30, 169
Ayllus (kinship group), 32, 33, 112, 156
Azcapotzalco, 23–24, 28
Azores, 53, 123
Aztecs, 9, 10, 23–29; gods of, 15; in
1519, 16 (illus.); human sacrifice by,
20; imperial expansion by, 23–26;
warfare in, 24–26, 69; militarism,
26; education of, 26–27; culture
and society of, 26–29; legal system,
27; political system, 28; Spanish
and, 61–62, 65; as New Spain, 65;
Natural and Moral History of the Indies
(Acosta), 107; classes in, 112–115

Backcountry of Brazil, 127
Badamler, Basilio, 142
Bahamas, Columbus in, 55
Bahia revolt, 222
Baja California, 249
Bajío, 171
Balaiada rebellion, 222
Balance of power (Spain), 6
Balboa, Vasco Núñez de, 61, 66, 72
Balbuena, Bernardo de, 108, 117
Balmaceda, José Manuel, 213, 216,
Balmis, Francisco Xavier, 136
Balta, José, 230
Bananas: Nicaragua plantations and, 267
Bana Orienta. See Uruguay
Banco de Avío (Mexico), 197, 199
Bandeirantes (slave hunters), 125
Bands, 9
Banks: in Peru, 230; in Colombia, 271
Barbosa, Ruy, 263
Barcelona, 40
Barriers to trade. See Tariffs
Barrios, Gerardo, 218
Barrios, Justo Rufino, 245, 246, 266
Bases and Points of Departure for the
Political Organization of the Argentine
Republic (Bautista Alberdi), 208
Bastidas, Micaela, 155 (illus.)
Beet sugar, 232
Belgrano, Manuel, 159, 161
Belize: Maya in, 17; and United Provinces
of Central America, 216n
Bell, J. Franklin, 5
Benavente, Toribio de. See Motolinía
(Friar Toribio de Benavente)
Bennassar, Bartolomé, 4
Bentham, Jeremy, 190, 206
Berbers, Spain and, 38
Bering Strait migration, 7
Berkeley school, 11–12
Bermejo y Roldán, Francisco, 110

Big-game hunters, 8
Bilbao, Francisco, 183, 190, 213 (illus.),
Bilingualism, 181
Birthrate: of Brazilian slaves, 132
“Biru,” Peru as, 66
Black Death, 40
“Black Legend,” 5, 12
Blacks: as slaves, 81, 82–83; in racial
mixture, 110–111; in colonial social
order, 115–116; status of, 115–116;
in Brazil, 124–126; in Spanish
America, 150; revolts by, 152–153;
in Venezuelan Federal War, 239
Bobadilla, Francisco de, 56
Bogotá, 71, 137; chiefdom at, 10;
Bolívar and, 166; distances to, 237
Bolívar, Simón, 163–166, 163 (illus.),
175, 175 (illus.); San Martín and,
167; in Peru, 168, 228; abolition
of slavery and, 219; Colombia and,
235–237; Venezuela and, 235
Bolivia, 12, 88; Tiahuanaco in, 30;
revolt of 1780–1781 and, 156;
Upper Peru as, 205; nitrate industry
in, 215, 255–256; War of the Pacific
and, 255–256; war with Chile
(1879), 256. See also specific leaders
Bonampak frescoes, 21, 21 (illus.)
Bondage system in Peru, 245
Bonifácio de Andrada, José, 170
Books: of Maya, 20; Aztecs and, 24; in
colonies, 148
Borah, Woodrow, 3, 11, 12
Border (Chilean-Bolivian), 255
Bourbon dynasty: colonial
administration and, 135–147;
Mexico and, 170
Bourbon reform objective, 146–147
Bourgeoisie: in Mexico, 205; Argentine
Radical Party and, 254; in Chile,
258; in Brazil, 263
Boves, José Tomás, 164
Boxer, Charles R., 125, 131
Boyacá, 166
Brading, David, 139
Brazil: Portugal and, 6, 124–126;
Amazon basin tribes in, 9; Cabral
in, 53–54, 61; colonial, 122–134,
123 (illus.); indigenous peoples in,
124–126; labor in, 124–126; mixed
race soldiers in, 124 (illus.); Dutch
in, 126; minerals in, 126–128;
church in, 128–131; government of,
128–131, 224–225; administration
of, 129–130; militia in, 130; slavery
in, 131–133, 132 (illus.), 225–228;
gold from, 140; liberation movement
and, 163; independence of, 169–170,


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