Music Fundamentals A Balanced Approach

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Exercise 7—Class Exercise

Below each triad, label the triad root and quality (M or m).

Theory Trainer
Exercise 11aIdentify triad quality by ear: major and minor triads.
Exercise 11cIdentify triads when written on staff: major and minor triads.

Exercise 8—Class Exercise

Using the chord symbols (triad letter names) given above the melody, harmonize the following song. Write the
triads in the bass clef below using the appropriate rhythms. The first two triads are given.

  • Notice the key signature given at the beginning of every line. Will you need to add any additional accidentals
    when you notate the triads? ____

  • Be sure to draw the triads in the bass clef directly below the melody note that corresponds to the harmony
    changes. Triads may be repeated or tied and drawn in any octave. Does each measure have the correct
    number of beats? ____

  • In “To ̄ryanse” only minor triads are used; in what ways does this piece sound “Western” or “Asian”?

Reminder: When a chord symbol is not written at the beginning of a measure, continue the harmony of the
previous measure.


Example 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


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