English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Score /skO:/ (n)
a written representation of a musical composition
showing all the vocal and instrumental parts; a
musical composition, especially the music for a
movie or theatrical production

String /strIN/ (n)
a length of catgut or wire on a musical
instrument, producing a note by vibration; the
stringed instruments in an orchestra

Symphony /"sImf(@)ni/ (n)
an elaborate musical composition for full
orchestra; (short for) a symphony orchestra

Tune /tju:n/ (n, v)
a melody, especially one which characterises a
certain piece of music; adjust (a musical
instrument) to the correct or uniform pitch

Woodwind /"wUdwInd/ (n)
wind instruments (mostly) originally made of
wood (flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, etc.); the
section of an orchestra playing such instruments

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