Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Ercole (Hercules) d’Este, Duke of Ferrara, 459 , 523 , 559 –63, 696

Ernoul Caupain, 120


alba    (dawn-song) and,     110 –11
Arabic sung poetry and, 108
Gesualdo madrigal and, 738
spiritual ecstasy and, 772

“escape tone” (counterpoint), 368 , 439

Eschenbach. See Wolfram von Eschenbach,

esclamazione (vocal technique), 817 , 821

Es fuegt sich (Oswald), 142

essences, Platonic, 37 , 827

essentialism, 381 , 382 , 385

“Established Rules of Harmony, The” (Zarlino), 586 –87

estampie, 294

Este, Ercole d’. See Ercole (Hercules) d’Este, Duke of Ferrara

Este, Isabella d’, 696

esthetics, 541

ancient and medieval    service music   and,     65 ,    66
earliest art-for-art’s sake example and, 541
of fourteenth-century, 359 , 363 –64
of Lutheran church music, 769
music historiography and, 472
paradox of, 496 –97
radical humanism and, 803 –5
Romantic, 142 , 144 , 359

Ethelwold, 93

ethnocentrism, 143 –44, 185

ethos, 38 , 131 , 732 , 815

etiquette books, 694 , 709

Eton Choirbook, 513 –18, 612

Eton College choir, 513 , 515 , 517

Etymologiae (Isidore), 6

Eucharist, 8 , 13 , 24 , 34 , 53 , 54 , 313

Lutheran    chorale and,     758
in Mass ordo, 61
tropes and, 50
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