Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Council of  Trent   and,     653
formation of, 4
multinational makeup of, 141
Protestant Reformation and, 753 , 756 , 758 , 762

Holy Spirit, 773

Holy Trinity, 333 , 334

Holy Week, 465 , 775

home entertainment. See domestic entertainment

“Home on the Range” (song), 18

Homme Armé, L’ (Masses), 484 –500, 529 , 655

Busnoy’s    Missa   as  genre   archetype,   495 ,   500 ,   501
characteristic cantus firmus of, 486 –90
Morales and, 634
origins of, 484 –85
Palestrina and, 634 , 635 –37
printed texts of, 499
See also Missa L’Homme Armé

Homme Armé, L’ (secular song), 484 , 485 –86, 485 , 486 –87

homoerotic art, 108

homorhythmic counterpoint, 122 , 146 , 199 , 296 , 403 , 577

Avignon-style   Mass    Ordinary    and,     311 ,   314 ,   316 ,   317
Byrd vs. Palestrina use of, 680
Dunstable motet and, 429 –30, 432
Gaspar motet and, 521
Old Hall Sanctus and, 417

honor, 107 , 109 , 117

Hoquetus In seculum (anon.), 233

Horace, 115 , 477 , 552 , 554 , 570 , 691

horn call, 485 , 711

Hosanna (Josquin), 560 –63

household entertainment. See domestic entertainment

Hove, Pieter van den. See Petrus Alamire

Hrabanus Maurus, Archbishop of Mainz, 49

Hucbald, 77 –78, 80

Gloria  trope   by,  80 –82

Hugo Sprechtshart von Reutlingen, 134

Huguenots, 754

humanism, 382 , 383 , 547 –84, 615 –16, 630 , 687

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