Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Paul the Deacon, 100 –101

pavan, Dowland ayre and, 742 –43

Pax! In nomine Domini (Marcabru), 113

peasant revolts, 138

peasants, dances of, 332 , 621

Peirol d’Auvergne, 228

Pellegrina, La (Bargagli), 803

penitents, 133 –34

pentachord (fifth),

canon   and,     331
in counterpoint, 154
Diatonic pitch and, 30 , 31
Dorian, 276 –77
four species of, 73 –74
madrigal and, 356
octave plus, 166 , 168
parallel doubling of, 150 , 151 , 152
as “perfect” interval, 149
protus final and, 79
tetrachord and, 74 , 83
See also perfect fifth

pentatonic scale, 30

Pentecost, 12 , 49 , 436 , 686 , 758

Pepin III (the Short), King of the Franks, 2 , 3 , 5 , 13 , 40 , 64

Peraino, Judith, 220 –21

Peregrinus plays, 93

perfect (perfection), 180 , 187 , 196 , 587

Ars Nova    notation    and,     249 –50,    253 ,   254 –55
dactylic foot and, 191
hocket and, 233
Zarlino harmonic theory and, 587

See also measure

perfected art. See ars perfecta

perfect fifth, 149 , 150 , 154 , 284

chromaticism    and,     274
parallel doubling at, 152

perfect fourth, 40 , 149 , 152 , 284

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