Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


e. ᆟᆆԢ儎ުᗍ୧ ________ ҼȾ
ᆟᆆه儎㠾ᗍ୧ ________ ҼȾ
Háizimen gaoxìng de chàng ________ le.
The children were so happy that they began singing.
f. ֖Ⲻᜩ⌋੢ ________ ᖾу䭏Ⱦ
֖Ⲻᜩ⌋㚳 ________ ᖾу䥥Ⱦ
Nhde xifngff tcng ________ bùcuò.
Your idea is not bad at all.
g. Ԍⵁ ________ ഑ॷཐ኷ⲺṭᆆȾ
Ԍⵁ ________ ഑ॷཐ↨Ⲻ⁙ᆆȾ
Ta kànshàngqù sìshí dud suì de yàngzi.
He looks like [he’s] in his forties.
h. ֖䈪ᗍᖾླθ䈪 ________Ⱦ
֖䃠ᗍᖾླθ䃠 ________Ⱦ
Nh shudde hgn hfo, shud ________.
You’ve said it very well. Go on.
i. ԄԌⲺ䈓䠂ᡇ੢ ________ ҼԌу௒⅘ᡇȾ
ᗔԌⲺ䂧䠂ᡇ㚳 ________ ҼԌу௒↗ᡇȾ
Cóng tade huà lh wi ting ________ le ta bù xhhuan wi.
From the way he talks I can tell that he doesn’t like me.
j. ᡇᜩᣀⴷ ________ Ⲻ䫧ᆎ ________Ⱦ
ᡇᜩᣀⴷ ________ Ⲻ䥘ᆎ ________Ⱦ
Wi xifng bf shengxiàlái de qián cúnqhlái.
I want to put the money I saved in the bank.
➪ 19.7

5 Use the directional expression in a sentence, saying that you are running in
that direction towards your friend, as in the example.
рᾲ ᡇ䐇рᾲᶛȾ
р!? ᡇ䐇р!?ּȾ
shàng lóu Wi pfoshàng lóu lái.
come upstairs I will run upstairs (to him).
a. ഔᆜṗ
huí xuéxiào
return to school
b. ഔᇬ
huí jia
return home

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