Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Directional verbs


b. ྯᄋ ________ ⵕਥ⡧Ⱦ
ྯᄋ ________ ⵕਥᝑȾ
Ta xiào ________ zhbn kg’ài.
She looks really cute when she smiles.
c. ԌⲺↂ༦䛙Ѿ㌕㌋θ֖ᙄѾ䘎੢ᗍ ________ϋ
ԌⲺↂ㚨䛙哲㌕㌋θ֖ᙄ哲䚺㚳ᗍ ________ϋ
Ta de gbshbng name zaogao, nh zgnme hái tcng de ________?
His voice is so bad. How could you continue to listen to it?
d. ཧѐࣖрའའᆟᆆ⿱ᔶԌθԌ㿿ᗍ㠠ᐧᘡ⍱у ________ ҼȾ
ཧᾣࣖрའའᆟᆆ䴘䯁ԌθԌ㿰ᗍ㠠ᐧᘡ⍱у ________ ҼȾ
Shcyè jia shàng tàitai háizi líkai ta, ta juéde zìjh kuài huó bù ________ le.
Being unemployed plus the fact that his wife and children left him, he
felt like he almost couldn’t keep on living anymore.
e. 䘏ԬӁ᛻䈪 ________ ڐᇯ᱉ ________ ദ䳴Ⱦ
䙏ԬӁ᛻䃠 ________ ڐᇯ᱉ ________ ദ䴙Ⱦ
Zhèjiàn shìqing shud________ róngyì, zuò ________ kùnnán.
This is easier said than done.
f. ྯ㿿ᗍᖾညቾθᘃуօଣҼ ________Ⱦ
ྯ㿰ᗍᖾညቾθᘃуօଣҼ ________Ⱦ
Ta juéde hgn wgiqe, rgnbuzhù ke le ________.
Feeling misunderstood, she couldn’t help but cry.
➪ 19.7

4 Fill in the blanks with 䎭ᶛ䎭ּ qhláiּ࠰ᶛ࠰Ƚ chsláiȽрৱ shàngqùȽ
сৱ xiàquȽсᶛсּ xiàlái
a. ֖Ⲻ੃ᆍᡇᜩу ____ ҼȾ
֖Ⲻ੃ᆍᡇᜩу ____ ҼȾ
Nhde míngzi wi xifng bù ____ le.
I can’t remember your name.
b. 䘏Ѡࣔ⌋ᱥԌᜩ ____ ⲺȾ
䙏ف䗜⌋ᱥԌᜩ ____ ⲺȾ
Zhège bànff shì ta xifng ____ de.
It is he who came up with this method.
c. 䘏Ѡ⭫ᖧའ⋗ᝅᙓҼθᡇⵁу ____ ҼȾ
䙏ف䴱ᖧའ⋈ᝅᙓҼθᡇⵁу ____ ҼȾ
Zhège diànyhng tài méi yìsi le, wi kàn bù ____ le.
This movie is really not interesting. I can’t keep on watching.
d. 䱪ཟҼȾⵁ ____ 㾷с䴞ҼȾ
䲦ཟҼȾⵁ ____ 㾷с䴞ҼȾ
Ycntian le. Kàn ____ yào xiàyj le.
It’s very cloudy now. It looks like it will rain soon.

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